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I am looking at Lisa right now and it really makes my heart ache, she looks so tired and exhausted and it is all visible in her eyes. I love Lisa with all my heart that's why i need to let her go, she doesn't deserve to be dragged in my mess....i shouldn't be in her life, she needs to hate me to the point that she regrets meeting me, it will be easier for her to move on when that happened. I tried not to argue with Lisa as i answer her questions very limited. I needed to act bitchy as possible for her to back out and just let go of me, but when she hugged me I couldn't resist it any longer and started crying because of the heaviness in my chest that I've been feeling, I wanna tell her everything that happened with me and that rapist, but the fear won against me... Kai is still blackmailing me about our video that he recorded, and he is now the father of the child that i am carrying.

"Lisa... i love him. Please let go of me, i need to finish packing my things because he's already waiting for me at the parking lot" i said that made Lisa let go of my hands. "You should've said that to me earlier, i know he will be a great father and partner to you" Lisa said as she forcefully smile, if only she knows what really happened. She slowly stood up and come near to me again. I just closed my eyes, wishing this was all a nightmare.. until she hugged me and kissed my cheeks for the last time... as i hear her fight for her sobs. Lisa didn't say anything as she slowly removed her arms around me and opened the door. And i was left there all alone, thinking if did I really make the right decision.

After the talk with Jennie, I know i needed to go home, i knew that i have to leave because if I don't? I will be selfish and fight my love for her. But I won't do that! I don't wanna make things complicated especially her child's life. I want it to grow with its complete and happy family. In fact Jennie said it herself, she already loves Kai, and who am i to stop her? Knowing that I wasn't enough and I couldn't give everything that she wanted.I want to be angry with her, because she cheated. But I couldn't, she never lied to me and told me the truth even if that will cost me too much pain.  I went back to Thailand with a heavy heart, but i promised my  mother that i wouldn't cry again because of Jennie.

I bought a new condo unit for myself because i want to give my  parents a privacy. They've been very supportive on my decisions lately and mom always come by and visit me by bringing dad's cooking. So far, I've been staying here for weeks. Trying to keep a low profile.

It's a Saturday night about 11 pm and Lisa couldn't sleep. She went on the rooftop of her condo to grab some fresh air, and look at the stars and the moon. She was just wearing her white long sleeves shirt and denim pants, and a mask to cover up her face, but then removed it when she's near the door. She was about to enter the door that leads to the rooftop when she heard sobs and saw a woman screaming and crying her soul out. She observed the girl for a minute, as it continues to scream in pain. "Fuck you! Fuck you!!!!!!!! I shouldn't have fell for your words!" the stranger keeps shouting and releasing her anger. Lisa didn't leave because she's worried about the girl. She really hates it when she see some girl's cry.

"Another girl was hurt because of unreliable partners" she whispered to herself so that the stranger won't hear. She slowly approached her and sat on the bench a few steps away from that stranger. Lisa is now facing the girl's back frame while holding onto the railings. She thought that having a chat with the girl won't be a threat, and she never done it before so she took up some courage and speak. "I am also experiencing that pain... Uhm, if you need someone to talk to... i can listen and won't say anything against him" Lisa mumbled softly looking at the girl. The girl jump went she heard a voice, she thought she was alone. She quickly wiped up her tears and about to walk away. "So he cheated???" As Lisa smiled uncomfortably because the girl stopped and look at her.The girl smiled at Lisa and instead of going out she walked onto Lisa's direction."She". She corrected Lisa. "Ohhhh, I'm sorry" Lisa said in surprise because she wasn't expecting that it's a "she". She quickly bowed her head to the girl. "Woooah! I think I've see you before! Have we met before?" The girl said in confusion as she gaze on Lisa's big rounded eyes. Lisa's heart starts beating fast because she's nervous. She doesn't want the girl to know her."No, I think we haven't" she said shortly. "I'm sure i'll remember you if i've seen you before, but why did you come up here? In the middle of the night." The girl asked Lisa trying to remember where she met her, because she's so sure that she saw her before. "I just wanna relax and have a break same reason on why did you  came here to release every sadness" Lisa said as she pressed her lips as her head slowly look down the floor to refrain a sad thought about Jennie. "I don't know what happened to you and to your special someone but a tip from a stranger? If they lie, don't believe them again. If they leave, don't accept them. If they cheat, don't trust them. And If they broke your heart, stop loving them" the stranger said to Lisa while overlooking the city lights. "You're good at words yet you lack in actions, you should apply it to yourself.... look at you, you're pretty yet you're allowing some people to make you cry?" Lisa said that made the girl laugh. "I wasn't always like this....., when she came... but you know what? fuck them! We should be celebrating because God made a way to lessen shitty people in our lives!!!" the girl said and quickly reaches Lisa's wrist, she dragged Lisa down on to the parking lot and went inside her Jeep Wrangler.

Lisa didn't complain or did anything, she just smiled because she's excited and find it thrilling that she's in some stranger's car. She finally felt that she has her freedom to talk to whoever it was and to go wherever she wants. The girl wasn't just a girl. Because if you'll look at her better you'll be able to notice that she came from a wealthy family because of her elegance, and of course, not everyone can afford a wrangler. Maybe that's one of the reasons that made Lisa trust her, she doesn't look like a threat, she just needs someone to be with her right now, just to accompany her through the pain. Lisa also thought of it is a good thing because she needs to do the same too. "Sometimes it's better to talk to strangers" she mumbled to herself.


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