Part 5

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I balanced Colin on my hip as I lifted a piece of paper and glanced over it before putting it in the correct file to file away for later. My second job was working for a lad Yano owned her own business, she was away a lot and needed someone she could trust to run her office while she was away. Anne gave me a referral and I started to work for Mrs. Patterson ever since, I liked working for her a lot. She paid quite well and with the other jobs I held down it was a nice break to have for a bit. Plus, she aloud me to bring Colin, which was a big help that I didn't have to pay someone to watch him. Once I was done separating the papers I took the pile of papers that had to be copied and I stuck them into the tray and pressed the copy button. Taking Colin, I sat in the big leather office chair and pulled out his bottle giving it a gentle shake and feeding him so he could take his nap. Once I laid him in his cot that I had set up next to the gigantic oak desk, I set out carrying on the other tasks I could do in the hour time Colin would take his nap. My eyes stared down at my phone confused as I saw Lisa's name flash as my phone vibrated on the desk. "Hello", I answered. "Y/n darling, thank goodness", she panted. "Lisa what's wrong", I headed to the outside of the office to make sure I didn't wake up Colin. "Well Georgia called in and said she couldn't make it, please can you come in for me. It's pretty busy and your the favorite, please. I'll give you double", she begged. "I'll have to find a babysitter for Colin, if I can then of course", I tried to give her some sort of relief. "Thank you love", she said goodbye then hung up.

Luckily for me Anne was able to watch Colin tonight, making sure I locked up the house really good I headed back to mine to pack everything up with the small window of time I had. I knew it would be this way forever but I just kept wondering when this would end.

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