Part 56

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Your POV

I fixed my dress in the mirror, Anne was the only one in the room with me. I had no family and even though that saddened me, I was still happy because I was about to start a new family with someone I loved. Anne tended to my veil before she declared I was ready, I held the bouquet of orchids in my hand as her and I intertwined arms. We headed to the doors that concealed my soon to be husband and his wedding guests. Again I had no family or friends so most of the people at this wedding knew him. I took a deep breath as I heard my music play, before I knew it the door opened and the wedding guests stood up at the sight of me. I kept my nervous eyes on him as I walked down the isle. Colin was sitting in the lap of one of his friends girlfriends, I smiled at my baby boy knows he was getting s father and a family in one day. Anne handed me off to Harry who took a sting hold of my hand and helped me up the large step where the priest was waiting for us.

"Please be seated", the priests announced.

The entire wedding party sat and stared up at us as Harry lifted my veil and looked into my eyes. I gave hm a small smile and he gave me a strong squeeze to my hands letting me know things were ok.

"Dearly beloved, we are gather here today in front of God and this couple in a holy Union to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. Marriage...", the priest carried on with his sermon as I kept my eyes on Harry.

I still didn't know how I stumble upon this buried treasure, he was truly amazing. Wanting to make his money mine, and making my son his. I couldn't believe he truly wanted to adopt Colin as his own some and I nearly drowned in my tears when he told me so.

"May we have the rings please", the priest announced.

This was it, we were going to be husband and wife.

Our lips touched in a simple kiss, only it wasn't so simple. It was the kiss that seal our vows and truly made us husband and wife. It was the day I couldn't wait for and the day millions of girls weeped all over the world. I laughed at the though of all the comments and tweets Harry had received from his admirers all over the world to not marry me. Or they would say they were better for him, either way I was glad he was waiting for me in the front. We pulled apart and he hugged me close whispering in my ear how much he loved me and how happy he was. We held hands and waved at the people cheering for us as we walked down the isle together and out to our limo which whisked us away to our wedding reception. Truth be told though, I couldn't wait for the honeymoon.

"I still can't believe this happened", I painted as I laid sprawled across his chest in our post coital bliss.

"I can't either, you know after that first day I say you I couldn't get you out of my head. You consumed me", he breathily admitted.

"Really", I stared up at him.

"Yes, I'm glad I found you again at my moms. That day I realized that I wasn't going to let you slip through my fingers again", he sighed kissing my forehead.

I didn't know where the future was going to take us, but being here with him was enough. I had Anne who would help me but most of all I had the man that helped me forget about my tragic past and for once convinced me to look at the future. And from what I could see it was bright.

"Are you tired yet", he asked looking at me.

"Not really why", I shrugged looking at him.

"Cause I'm thinking about expanding our family".

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