Part 23

22 1 0

Your POV

I pulled my phone out of my clutch and called a can to come pick me up from this whack ass party. Pulling my dress up even more, I began to push through the house to try and get outside. I couldn't believe how studio I was to even believe that Harry could be a decent human being. I thought maybe after tonight we could start something because he was showing me he could be better than the asshole he usually was. I guess I was wrong, he was always going to be the exact same his entire life. I felt bad for him, he wasn't ever going to find someone to love him at all. All he was going to do was fuck girls to fill that hole in his body and that was sad. I knew I had he's in my body but at least I knew I had issues but I had Colin and I knew he loved me to death. I took a deep breath once I got outside, welcoming the cool air in my lungs. I slipped off my shoes and walked over to the cab that was waiting for me, I cheered internally because I just wanted to leave here already. I started making my way across the driveway to the car so I could leave this hell already.

"Y/n, wait!!!", I heard Harry yell behind me but I ignored him.

"Please, stop!!!", he yelled once again.

I finally reached the can door and pulled it open ready to slip in but I felt a tug on my wrist spinning me around. I faced Harry's concerned green eyes but I didn't give a fuck, he screwed up and I wasn't going to forgive him that easy.

"Please, wait. Just let me explain", he said in a panic.

"Look Harry, your never going to change and I get that. So I'll make this easy for both of us, slip the check under my door and let me know when you need a date for the next time. Cause this is strictly business", I said looking him straight in the eyes.

"Y/n please", he pleaded with me.

"Have fun with Vanessa".

The ride back to my place was long but I needed this time to think about what had happened at the party. Things were made clear to me tonight, I didn't need a man in my life. I was happy just having Colin and I, my smile finally made its way to my face when I thought of my baby boy. I loved him so much, I loved him and he was the only constant in my life and I was ok with that. We pulled up to the driveway of my flat and I got out, paying the cab driver and heading to Anne's flat with my shoes in my hand. Knocking gently on the door, Anne open the door smiling at me but crowned when she saw no Harry with me.

"How did it go", she asked carefully.

"Um it was fine, but I want my son please. I'm really tired and I got w big day at work tomorrow", I said sweetly with a smile.

"Of course, I'll be back", she went to go get Colin.

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