Field Trip of Doom I

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When Peter woke up this morning he had not expected a good day, but when the class got the news that they would be going to THE STARK TOWER[!!] he knew that he was screwed. He also knew that his father would already know about the trip and bring as much of the avengers into embarassing him and that the others would gladly participate (some more than others).

When he had gotten home that day he had simply laid the permission slip on the kitchen counter knowing that it wasn't worth it hiding the thing because they would find it either way. Once uncle Clint had found it his laughing fit had alarmed the others who promptly fell in on it. At dinner Peter almost begged his family to not embarass him but the only thing he got back in return were smirks and "I can't promise anything".

----time skip i decided to call bethany-----

"PETER ANTHONY STARK!", Tony yelled at his still sleeping son:"Wake up! You're gonna be late. Hell you are already! You know what imma drive you it'll be faster!".

Shit! Shit! Shit! Peter thought, he had about ten minutes to be out the door.
He quickly put on a pair of Jeans and a hoodie.

Eight minutes.

He brushed his teeth, then ran out into the kitchen grabbing his backpack on the way.

Three minutes.

He quickly scarfed down a few Steve-made pancakes before running into the elevator yelling his goodbyes.
When he exited the building Tony already waited in the car for him.
He quickly jumped in the passengers seat not even caring anymore that everybody would stare.

On the other side of town Ned was frantically texting his best friend while MJ tried to convince the teacher to wait another five minutes.

Suddenly they heard an engine roar pretty loudly. And that was when they saw it.
A Lamborghini.                
A fricking Lamborghini came to a halt right next to them. By now every student pressed their noses against the bus windows.

"Bye, dad! 'Til later", Peter said while stepping out of his father's car. After Mr Robertson had calmed enough from his shock he said: "You're late Mr Parker! You should be glad we didn't drive without you! Now get on the bus."

As he walked onto the bus every student stared at him having just seen him get out of a Lamborghini.
"The fuck, Parker? Who did you bribe, huh?", Flash yelled. Peter tried ignoring him while walking over to Ned and MJ: "Hey guys!"
"Duude! That was soo cool! Did your dad drive you?", Ned said.
Peter just chuckled:"Yeah"

The whole twenty minute drive Ned rambled on and on about everything on his mind which helped Peter to distract himself from any chaos that was to ensue in the next few hours.

When they arrived every student was in awe at the beauty of the building well except for Peter and MJ (who was to concentrated on sketching a face into her crisis-notebook).

As soon as they all had left the bus Mr Robertson reminded them to be on their best behaviour because they would be representing the school.
After that he walked to the receptionist -who Peter recognised as Ms Steiner-
to check them in. The class flooded into the lobby admiring all of the technology.

"Alright class, the receptionist told me that our tourguide will be down in a second." Mr Robertson said very proudly.

After about a minute a young intern came up to the group:
"You guys must be Midtown Tech High! Hi I'm Ryan and I will be your tourguide today!"
After the class gathered around he explained: "Alright first I will give you guys your badges and once you guys all went through the scanner I will explain the schedule a bit further and tell you the rules. So when I call your name please come here and get your badge."
He then called out almost every Name.

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