Lets play a game

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"Pleeeaaaaaseee dad!!"
"Okay, but only because I know, you'd do it anyway.", he sighed.
I jumped up and down and dad left to go the lab. I did it, finally. I had been begging him for weeks to do this myself. I know it is a really big thing, but I wanted to do this my way.
So I quickly texted Ned and MJ to meet in the City, because we're going shopping. We went to all the expansive shops and bought a lot of stuff. Like Outfits for a week for all three of us.

-------------next monday in class----------------

We arrived exactly a minute before the bell rung and we did it like in the movies: we walked in in a three-people-formation. One in the Front the other two slightly behind the first. We were wearing the clothes from our shoppingtour. Everyone was staring, like reeally straight-up staring. But then Flash being Flash said:
"Where did you get these fakes from Penis? Don't think you're cool now! Just because you got some fake-gucci and stuff!"

While some,  looking relieved someone else had found a solution to this mystery,  agreed quickly, others were still sceptical.

We just kept on walking to our seats.

----------------a few classes later------------------

"Dear students please make your way to the assembly Hall for our annual student trophys. I repeat: Dear students please make your way to the assembly Hall for our annual student trophys."

As the whole school was seated in the auditorium a few students were announced:

"The most Engagement in our sports Team: Maria Reers"

"A trophy for special Engagement to our decathlon leader Michelle Jones"

"And now,  what you've all been waiting for: Our smartest student this year,  with the highest gpa over the longest time: Our very own Celebrity and Tony Stark's son: Peter Stark!"

The whole Auditorium was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. They were shocked: 
Tony Stark's son was going to their school?

They were even more shocked when they saw 'Penis Parker' stand up and head on stage.
Most of them where to shocked to clap so they all turned towards the one Person clapping and 'Whooo' ing loudly: It was Tony freaking Stark.
After Peter received his trophy he ran into his father's arms and they strut out of school with Ned and MJ.

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