Of fieldtrips and kidnappers

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Sure, sometimes things don't go as planned but this? This wasn't a way anyone had expected this day to turn out.
They were to go on a fieldtrip to StarkIndustries much to Peter's dislike. His Aunties und Uncles would embarass the gell out of him and his dad would do the most.

--------timeskip to saturday morning---------

"Mr. Parker, we're waiting for you,
would you please get on the bus!", Mr Haplit said.

Oh right, shit. I must've trailed off,
but ever since this morning my spideysense sort of couldn't be turned off, it wasn't really strong but it was constant. Just to be sure I had packed my spiderbracelets (bracelets that can transform into his suit or just the webshooters, when he taps them).
Just as we pulled out the parkinglot my spidersense spiked and I screamed: "Everyone duck right now!"
Ned and MJ ducked right then, knowing of my special sense, the others just looked at me weirdly until... BOOM.

There had been a bomb on the bus and it exploded,  there was glass everywhere and blood too.
When I opened my eyes everything was too bright and too loud,  my ears were ringing from the noise.
"Get up,  little sheeps,  get up,  or do I have to help?", a sickeningly sweet voice said. Just then everybody noticed the armed men that had entered the bus.

We were dragged out of the bus and into the empty gym.
After they had half-heartedly tied us together,  I quickly made sure everybody was alright,  but luckily I only saw bruises and cuts that weren't too deep.

"So,  MidtownHigh we heard that you have a very special student."
Oh no.
"And we'd like HIM to stand up,  please"
Oh god, what do they know?
"Alright,  now. According to our informations, Tony Starks son is one of you,  so stand up or we'll shoot everyone in here one by one!"
I hesitantly stood up.
Everyone stared at me like really confused. MJ and Ned looked at me questioning. Their eyes basically screamed at me 'What are you doing'.
So I just shrugged at them. Luckily Flash had saved enough of his brain cells to realize that this wasn't the time to yell at 'Puny Penis Parker' for 'lying to get attention'. Even though I was sure no one wanted the attention of these guys.

"So you are Peter Anthony Stark,  son of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts?
You don't look like much,  but we'll make millions out of you!"

I somehow had to get out of here and I had to get everyone to safety too,  somehow..
So now I had to debate,  either getting everyone to safety and revealing my secret identity to them or risking the lifes of all of us hoping that dad finds us soon enough. But I couldn't just sit here and wait,  those people were heavily armed and they didn't look like these guns were just for show,  they wouldn't be afraid to shoot anyone. So I decided to do something: with my superstrength I broke the ziptie on my hands and while running away from my classmates I yelled:

"To do that you'd have to catch me first!".

I knew that that was one of the stupidest things I had done,  but hey,  it was the best I could come up with on the spot.
So when they thought they had me cornered,  I just doubletapped my bracelets and much to the surprise of my classmates nano-particles formed the spidersuit around my body. I crawled up the wall and,  dodging a few bullets, swung to the complete opposite of the hall. Then I yanked their weapons out of their grip and webbed them to the ceiling. Swinging back over,  gaining speed on the way I in-flight-knocked out one of them with a kick and another one by landing on him. The last one was a big guy with huge muscles,  but I was small and fast,  also Auntie Nat taught me a few tactics and moves,  so after a while I finally knocked him out too.

I then proceeded to carry them all to one corner of the room and set up a sort of pile of unconscious bodies and webs... a lot of webs.

Only when I turned around,  I realized that my class was still there and they were all watching. Shit. How do I explain this? Well.  Probably... not at all:

"Uhhm...... surprise?"
"Care to untie us? Or do you wanna stand there until you grow roots?", MJ said,  thank god.
"Uhm.... yeah sure.... ehm.... yeah", I said not really sure what to say.
After I had untied them all (well technically broken all of the zipties),  I double tapped my bracelets,  making the nanoparticles retract into the bracelets. "So... uhm.... any questions?"
"Uhh,  yeah.  So you basically aren't just Tony Starks son but also spider-man?", Abe asked still a little overwhelmed by the situation.

And with the next few questions it got less and less awkward and they had all sat in a small circle debating what to do. While Flash had been rather quiet after the explosion,  he spoke up now:
"So uhm,  Peter? I just wanted to say,  I am really sorry. I shouldn't have treated you the way I did. I am sorry."
"Well,  I am not gonna say it is alright,  because it is not  but I guess it is a huge step forward to apologize, so 'Thank you'. "
And after they had decided to call Peter's dad and inform him of the situation,  Cindy said:
"Peter? I won't tell your secrets,  I promise"
One by one the others agreed and told him,  he could count on them.
Shortly after the Tony showed up and resolved the situation.
And now,  whenever he was late to class,  people would cover for him and Mr Haplit would let it slide when the homework wasn't done on due dates.

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