Fieldtrip of Doom III

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Peter's POV

When I stepped out of the elevator, now in my usual training clothes, I felt the stares of my classmates and I heard their whispers.

"Wow, Peter has muscles"
"I didn't know he was so hot"
"Parker's ripped, man"

Then Auntie Nat spoke up:
"Иди ко мне, малыш паук, и не сдерживай меня.
[Come to me, Baby Spider, and don't hold back on me]"
Of course I knew not to hold back on her, the last time I had done this, she had accidentally broken my arm. Afterwards Dad hadn't let me train with her for a month! Of course she had apologized atleast a hundred times.

"Конечно, не мама паук, я до сих пор помню, что случилось в прошлый раз. [Of course not, Mama spider, I still remember what happened last time.]", I teased and she smirked.

3rd POV

Then they both got in fighting stance and Steve gave the starting signal.
What followed was like a beautiful dance, the two spiders tangling and their bodies while they graciously jumped and flew through the air. It was like watching two deadly ballerinas dancing their last dance.

When Natasha pinned Peter down after a full twenty minute fight, she smirked.
But then Peters hand flew to her leg throwing her off balance, when she stood up, he let his legs tangle on her neck spinning his body making her crash down again. This time he pinned her and held her down with a little bit of his superstrengh.
He then helped her up after she had tapped.

While Peter's class was still too shocked of what they had just seen, the avengers that were present started applauding, patting him on the back and ruffling his hair.

"What the F*ck, Penis?! You could never do something like that, cause you're just Puny Penis Parker, how much did you pay them?", Flash yelled angrily, again, at the absolut worst time.

"First of all: you should've seen by now that he is not puny, because he just pinned down the black widow, and
-I must add- he is the only Avenger who has ever done so,
second: his name is Peter not Penis, as you call him out of whatever kind of reason and third of all, it's Stark, hey kiddo!", Tony Stark had entered: "Oh and you are hereby banished from this Tower for lifetime and if I EVER hear about you bullying MY SON or anybody else, I will make sure you are not gonna get into any even remotely good college. Now get the f*ck outta my tower!" "Dad, don't.. " "No! I've Seen it all, this boy has been bullying you for years, we are going to discuss the reason for that later!"

"Mr Stark, the boy can not be left unsupervised, so he will have to stay with the group!", the teacher butted in.
"Actually you are going to leave, too. So he won't be unsupervised! And say goodbye to your job as a teacher as well!", the Irondad contered.
"But.. But I.. I can't leave the class here alone", Mr Robertson tried to save himself.
"Again I took care of that for you, am I not considerate?"

At that Moment the elevator dinged across the room and out came an angrily stomping headmaster Morita.
"Mr Morita what he said wasn't true, I would never..", he was cut off.
"I have seen the footage. You are fired. I will furtherly supervise this group for you. And don't bother to show up at the school ever again."

After Flash and Mr Robertson had been escorted out of the building by Bucky, Peter cleared his throat andabout twenty heads whipped around in his direction: "So I'm sure you have questions.."

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