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This is a short one and it will be a little different. Because Peter is not Tony's son in this and it shows how he became an intern at SI.
So Peter's class is on a field trip to SI and you know the procedure, they get badges yada yada.
After having toured the avengers Museum, a few intern labs and a conference room, the group was shown into a very big lab that was taking on atleast a whole floor and was parted into two. This was the lab of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.

After they had introduced themselves and what they were working on (the non-confidential part) they were gonna answer some questions.
My gaze fell on an equation on a blackboard and I snickered.
A little to loud I realized because everybody was staring at me with questioningly faces. So I said: "I am sorry. I just saw that equation over there that is so obviously wrong. I just thought it was funny, it probably was a joke from you putting that up, right?"

The two of them looked at each other and back at me, then Mr Stark spoke up: "If it is so obviously wrong, why don't you go up there and solve it?
Go on!"
So I went up to the board, erased a few mistakes and wrote the correct ones on there. I then recalculated the answer in my head and underlined it on the board.

The scientists looked at me absolutely stunned, and when I turned a little more, I realized my class did too, even my teacher did. So I asked: "What? Did I do something wrong?"
"You- You just solved a math Problem both of us were working on for months! How did you do that?"


"Uhm, I don't know...? I just saw that it was wrong and I knew what to correct, so..."

"Kiddo, do you wanna be my personal intern?"
And so Peter went on to become Tony's personal intern. And after May died Tony took him in/ adopted him and they went on to be one of the smartest father/son duos.

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