Changed in a Flash

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When I started Highschool I thought that things would be different. That things would change. But nothing did. It was the same as it had always been.

I was sent to the best highschool in New York. I got good grades,  but that didn't matter as long as they weren't the best. And they never were. It was always Parker,  he was the best at everything he touched and he didn't even try. At everything I did,  I was always second or third. For nearly everyone that would be enough. Not for my father. Everytime he found out I wasn't the best at something,  he would try to discipline me,  he'd discipline me with bruises,  bruises that no one would ever notice. My mother just let it happen,  she was just as distant as my father,  but not as violent. They made me feel like an intruder in my own home. Not that it ever felt like home.
It was the cold and lonely place were I ate and slept. So when my father told me this morning,  that he never wanted to See me ever again,  it wasn't anything New. He had done it before, but he had always had the maid let me back in after school.

So when I walked home after school,  I fully expected to See Veronica,  our maid open the backdoor for me. But instead it was my father,  he was standing at the gate waiting for me.
When I tried walking up to open the gate,  he just gave me a cold stare and said: "I thought I made it clear that I never want to See you again. But now you have the audacity to try and just walk in. Leave! Now."
His harsh words began to sink in, he really meant it this time.
"B-But Fath-"
"Don't 'but-father' me,  boy. You are no longer my son. Now get away from my property!"

Where was I supposed to go? I had no friends. I mean there were people I hung out with,  but they didn't at all care about me. They wouldn't miss me if I died.

So I walked,  I just walked through the City until I found a small alley that could be alright for the night, I was just glad it wasn't Winter yet. When I settled myself I saw a shadow from above. My head shot up but when I saw that it was spiderman,  my head quickly fell in shame. He is my idol. My role model. I couldn't let him see me like this. But when I risked another peek,  he was gone. Did I just imagine him?

Oh god,  I was becoming delusional.
And there I was thinking that things couldn't get worse,  when he walked around the corner. Peter Parker.
Shit. He would tell everyone that I was homeless and they would all make fun of me. The only thing I had ever been better at than him was that I was richer,  but that had been my parents and now I didn't even have that.
"Hey,  Flash, -{here it comes}-
Come with me,  you can sleep at my place tonight." And then he just started walking. What?

---------------------Peter's POV-----------------------

This morning on patrol I saw Flash being thrown out,  I guessed that his family wasn't all that loving and that  that was the reason that he let out his anger on me, but to THIS extent?
So I decided that I would follow him after school,  to see if he had somewhere to go.
When I looked into that alley,  I could See the shame in his eyes. He was ashamed to be seen like that.
Then I made the decision to help him,  but I couldn't help him as Spiderman. So I made my suit retract back into the shooters and,  after checking that no one was around,  jumped down and went up to Flash: "Hey,  Flash"
I could See him ducking away,  he thought that I was gonna hurt him...

"Come with me,  you can sleep at my place tonight."
Then I walked out of the alley,  but I only sped up when I heard his steps behind me.
"Why are you nice to me?", I heard him ask.
"Because I know an abusive home when I See one. And you've been thrown out and need a place to sleep", I responded.

When I walked up to the Tower,  I could feel that Flash wanted to make a comment,  but decided against it.
I greeted Elle,  the receptionist and walked up to the security gate,  when Flash asked: "Don't we need some sort of pass or badge?"
But I just smirked at him and said: "Not when you're with me" and pulled him through the gate with me.

-----------------------3rd POV----------------------

"Peter. Level Alpha 10. All access. Welcome back,  Peter. There is an unidentified Person with you,  do you want to authorize that Person?"
"Yes,  please,  FRI! Would you give him access like Ned and MJ have?"
"Of course,  Peter. The usual floor I presume?"
"Actually, is dad still in the lab? Because I'd like him to meet Flash here."
"I'll take you there."
"So your dad works here?", Flash asked,  not in the mean type of way,  more curious-ish.
At that Peter laughed,  but gave a 'Yes'.
When they stepped out of the elevator they were greeted by Tony.
"Hey dad! How are the new webshooters going?"
"That's Tony Stark."
"Uhm,  yeah. I am. Hi!
Peter who is that? Have I met him?", Tony whispered the last two sentences towards Peter.

"That is my friend Flash,  no you haven't met him yet, and -sorry to say it this directly- his family kicked him out and I wanted to ask if he can sleep here."
"Oh,  sure. You can set up guestroom 2, if you want to. How much does he know yet?"
"Yep. We'll do that. And actually,  I think he's still processing the whole I'm a Stark thing."
After the elevatorride up, Flash seemed to have regained some confidence: "So,  you're a Stark? A real Stark? You're Ironman's son?"
"Yup", Peter said,  popping the 'p'.

"This one will be your room and if you need anything,  from home or just any store,  tell me,  I'll send a driver to go and get it,  okay?"

"Peter? Why are you being so nice to me? I was such a shitty Person to you and you're still being nice. Why? Don't you hate me?"
"Flash,  like I said: You needed help and I could provide help. Why should I be selfish enough to let you die out there? I get why you let that anger out on me.... because someone else let it out on you. And honestly... I can take it,  others might not. Though you are not forgiven,  you are understood."

"I still want to say sorry,  Peter. Sorry for being such an asshole. Sorry for letting my anger out on you and-"
"It's okay,  now on with the Tour. If you need anything,  my room is over here", with that words he opened his door and at first Flash thought that it was empty,  but then he looked up,  everything was on the ceiling? Why?
Peter noticed his confusion and said: "Are you ready for secret number two?
Only my mom, dad,  the Avengers,  Ned and MJ know about this,  okay? And I know you're gonna freak out, but please don't faint or anything!"
"How big is this secret,  if I could faint?", Flash chuckled.
But Peter just gave him a sympathic smile and placed his hands on the wall,  then his foot and then... the other foot too? And he started crawling up to his desk and sat on his chair: "I just really think better like this and if you haven't figured by now: I am Spiderman!"

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