The press conference

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After an official press conference to present the heir to StarkIndustries is scheduled, the rivaling company ThompsonIndustries decided to schedule one too, even though it is long known that Eugene 'Flash' Thompson is said heir.

------------in school, a week before-----------

"So class, as you all probably know StarkIndustries as well as ThompsonIndustries will be introducing their heirs next week. Both companies have invited us to come and we won't be passing on an opportunity that big.", Mr Cellogh said, handing out permission slips.
And of course Flash had to put his oar in: "Sir, as you should know, I will have to head upstage at the press conference of ThompsonIndustries! And at the conference of StarkIndustries I will be sitting with my family in the VIP-lounge."
"Yes, I know, I got your parents' email. Anybody else that won't be able to come?", he drily replied.
"Uhm actually Sir, I won't be able to attend the conference at StarkIndustries!", I responded.

---------cut to after the TI-conference-------

Oh god this is so boring, there are about twenty reporters and exactly one schoolclass: OURS. I mean most of the people here are nearly falling asleep! I really hope our conference will be better. After Flash had been asked two or three questions the conference was ended by leaving reporters.

------------cut to school the next day-----------

"See, now that everyone's attention is on me, no one will pay attention to the heir of StarkIndustries and he will be begging me to be his friend! And after we become best friends, he will be telling me all of SI's secrets and ThompsonIndustries will be rising to the top!", Flash said, while pinning me to the lockers.

Feeling rather confident I replied: "What makes you think it is a boy? It could just as well be a girl!"
He sucked in a sharp breath: "Are you talking back to me?"

"Yes, that's how a conversation works", I deadpanned and then I slid from under his arm and walked out of the school with a huge grin, tomorrow would be going just fine, I could feel it.

----------------the next morning-------------------

Yeet (theofficialone)

Man it really sucks that you won't be able to come to THE ABSOLUTE BIGGEST PRESSCONFERENCE IN HISTORYYYY! [°•°][°•°][°•°]

Sorry. I'm just reeeaally excited. :)))

Just really sad that you have to go to the dentist today... :'/

Did you ask May to reschedule?

Yeah,  I know. But it's okay,  you guys have fun without me. °_°

Yeah,  I did,  wasn't possible :(

I would say take photos but you won't be allowed to take any

I mean probably,  not that i know..

You know?


Well,  we're heading off now,  we have to leave our phones at the entrance so buh-bye! *-(°•°]


To say he was nervous was an understatement,  Peter was practically shaking in fear,  pacing up and down in his suit.

"Hey kiddo? Relax! They'll love you,  just like everybody else does! We're here for you and I'll be with you onstage all the time,  alright? You got this! And I KNOW that you can rehearse your speech from memory by now.", his father reassured him.

By now his mother and father had already headed on the stage:
"Good morning ladies and gentleman! As you might know,  my name is
Pepper Potts, CEO of StarkIndustries, wife to Tony Stark and also .....mother.
Today we as a company will introduce our heir,  but we as in Tony and I,  will be introducing our son to the world.
We decided to keep him a secret for 16 years,  because we didn't want him to grow up in the spotlight,  cameras and micros being shoved up his face. We wanted him to have a relatively normal childhood. We send him to public school -the best one we could find naturally- and he has found friends that  don't just like him for his money or status,  honest friends who will only now find out the truth about him,  too."
Pepper ended and Tony started:
"Our son is one of the smartest people on this planet,  he has an IQ of 250, considering mine is 270 and he is only sixteen,  he is definitely a genius. He has helped out in my lab since he was four and he has helped our college interns with their formulas etc since he was six. "
Together they said:
"We present our son: Peter Aiden Stark!"

------------------------MJ's POV------------------------

After that was said,  everybody looked at the stage entrance but then . . . .

Spiderman came down from the ceiling with a backflip,  when he stood in the middle of the stage,  he ripped off his mask and revealed  . . . . .


Okay,  I do have to say,  I did not expect that! And by the looks of it neither did anybody else.
After everybody had recovered from the shock a wild round of applause broke out,  some even whistled and/or cheered.
Next to me Ned squealed and nearly shouted: "This is soooooo cooool! Do you think he'll introduce us to the avengers? Maybe we can go to his place now!? Oh my god this is soo exciting!!!!"

Then I looked up towards the VIP-lounge to see an absolutely perplexed looking Flash, I have to remember to draw his face later.

By now the hundreds of reporters were shouting their questions at him,  only for them to be told to "either be quiet or be escorted out"

Well,  let's just say school's about to be a lot more interesting.

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