Another fieldtrip

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"Hey, will you be at the decathlon meeting today?", MJ asks.

"No,  sorry! Dad and I are gonna work in the lab today, sorry, I completely forgot."

"Don't sweat it loser"

And with that I ran outside and around the corner,  where Happy waited with the car.

"Hey, Hap!"
The man was like an uncle to me and even though he was a little grumpy, he was one of the nicest men I'd ever met.
"Hey", he said. And in the mirror I could see a little smile.
On our way home I did my homework and just as I finished, Happy announced: "We're here"
"Thanks Hap", I said, sprinting inside and towards the elevator.

"Stop right there!"
"I said stop! Do not move any further!"

I lowkey wanted to see what was going on,  so I turned around,  just to see that a securityguard (obviously a new one) was sprinting towards me trying to tackle me.

I just dodged him.

"Excuse me what do you think you're doing? You have to go through the securitygate! Only personnel of level alpha ten are allowed to quickpass! And you are definitely not a level alpha ten!",the man shouted.

The people around stared at the man in disbelief, knowing me.
So I said, head tilted towards the ceiling: "FRIDAY? A little help please?"
The securityguad sneered:
" No Chance,  FRIDAY only responds to the Starks!"

At that FRIDAY said: "Of course, Peter! Protocol PBSS activated. Tony is on his way"

The security guard didn't look so smug anymore.
Nearly a second later the elevator dinged and Dad stepped out.
"So what seems to be the Problem here?", he asked and the guard immediately answered proudly: "I caught this little shit here,  trying to sneak into the Tower and onto the private elevator!"

Oh no, Dad looked mad,  like really mad,  he would probably fire that guard. Yes,  he was probably an asshole,  but it was still his first day!
So I said: "Please don't fire him!"
The security guard just looked at me in disgust:"And why would he fire me? I just caught you little bastard sneaking somewhere you don't belong!".

Okay,  every sympathy I had for that man was truly gone now.

"Well, I  know at least one very good reason!", Dad said.
"Tell me,  why do you think that the 'little shit' as you like to call him is sneaking in here! On what grounds do you base those suspicion?"

"Well... uhm.... he just walked past the gate,  an-and only level alpha tens are allowed to do that!", he stammered.

"This 'little shit' does in fact have level alpha ten and you can ask everyone in this room about that fact ( at that point the guard looked around and saw that an awful lot of people were nodding). And he has this clearance because he is MY SON! So get out of my building! Right now!"

He then turned around to me:

"Hey Kiddo,  are you alright? Come on,  let's go up to the lab."

We tinkered the whole afternoon and only stopped because Mom shut down the electricity in the labs to get us to dinner. Of course we directly went down again after and Mom only turned the electricity back on,  because Dad promised her that we'd be in bed at     10 o'clock. But she took the jet to Malibu for the whole weekend so she wont know,  right?

---------------------MJ's POV-------------------------

It was kind of sad that Peter wouldn't be on the the fieldtrip to Stark Tower but if he isn't at Decathlon practice he wont be able to go.

(In this story MJ and Ned do know he is Spiderman but they do not know he is Tony's and Pepper's son)

I had really hoped we would see Pepper Potts but it turns out she is in Malibu from today on. So much for my luck.

After we signed some NDA's and got our badges, we were shown around the RnD labs which weren't really that interesting so I just read my book.

Then we were shown around the Avengers Museum where I wanted to get my book out again,  but Ned started dragging me around until we saw that Peter had an own case - sweet.

When we finished there we went to lunch and Ned proceeded to ramble me to death,  showing me all the pictures he took to show Peter.

Luckily Sahra our tour guide captured the attention again:
"Finish up quickly please,  we will now be shown around Tony Starks's personal lab by the man himself and if you're lucky,  his son will be there too."
That started a load of whispers such as 'I didn't know he had a son' and 'Dude this is so rad'.

Wow. Such children.

"Hey MJ,  do you think we'll see Tony Stark's son? That sounds so awesome man!"

Another child.

When we walked out of the elevator the AI spoke up: "Midtown tourgroup. I advise you to be quiet,  since both Mr Stark and Mr Stark jr have fallen asleep"

"You heard FRIDAY! Be quiet please!"
So we walked into this absolutely futuristic looking lab and saw a sleeping Tony Stark on a desk and a sleeping boy laying on a couch facing the backrest.

Sahra successfully went to shake the man and wake him up: "Sir,  the tourgroup is here. Sir?"

"Oh right,  sorry. We stayed up all night finishing the nanobracelets. What school is this again?"

"Midtown Tech High, the decathlon team, sir"

"Wait..... That's HIS school!", he said pointing at the boy.
He gently shook his shoulders:
"Hey! Hey Peter,  your school decathlon-thingy is here! Come on
wake up!"

Wait. Peter? It couldn't be our Peter right? That wasn't possible,  was it? No,  it couldn't be.
Everyone else seemed to have the same thoughts as they all looked equally confused and nervous.

And when the boy woke up and turned around,  still half sleeping,  in ironman PJ's, it was our Peter.

"Hi?", he said nervously.

Seemingly having left his last brain cells at home today, Flash said: "So Penis Parker does work here? Why does he have Pajamas on? How embarassing!"

Oh. This was not good. Mr Stark looked mad. Really really mad.

You do know that he is the heir to this company,  right? You do know, that he is already smarter than me,  that he already has two doctorate degrees and one master,  right? So YOU do not get to call HIM that! Do not EVER talk to or get near him EVER again or else I will ruin your life! I'll make sure you don't get into any good colleges and I'll drag you down so deep that even McDonalds does not wanna hire you,  understood? Now get out of my building,  before I do it right now!"

After Flash had run out of the lab it was just a really awkward stand-off and I saw how Peter sort of tensed up,  so I said: "So,  you're a Stark now? Wow,  why didn't you tell us loser?"

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