Internet friends

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So this one is shorter but uh,  yeah hope you still enjoy it:
When Peter and Shuri met through a wrong number Text,  they became friends,  and they texted or videochatted nearly every free second they had. Peter told Shuri that he was Spiderman and Shuri told Peter that she was a Princess,  but both of them think the other was just joking around because, how could that be?

"Hey Spooderman?"
"To spam or not to spam,  that is the question!"
So Shuri proceeded to spam Peter until he answered.
"What is it Proncess? I'm in the lab!"
Peter answered a little on edge because his weekend plans had just been ruined. But he decided that it wasn't the fault of his best friend.
"sorry,  am  a bit mad,  weekendplns were ruined."

"Aw, dude mine too, my brother is taking me to a boring meeting out of country!"
"Really? We have guests coming over and they'll be talking business. And I'll have to show them around instead of having some well deserved free time, ugh!"

-----------------------time skip-------------------------

"Get up Pete! The guests will be here in half an hour!"
"But Daaad,  do I really have to be there? "
"Yes you do,  when you will take over this company you will also have to greet guests. And by the way, the Princess is around your age, you'll like her!"

-------------after he's gotten ready--------------

When they stood on the helicarrier pad waiting for the ship to Land. Peter took out his phone and saw that Shuri had send him a video
"Ugh,  these ships do not have any decent food! I can not find any tide pods! And there is no bleach either!" She was shuffling through cabinets until a female voice scolded her.

He quickly replied:"I'd lend you mine,  but I just made some cereal with it,  gotta put it on the shopping list!"

Then he heard noises and put his phone away. After the ship had landed three women with Spears stepped out. One ordering around the others and...
And after  a girl that looked his age stepped out of the plane behind the Black Panther his suspicions were confirmed and he couldn't stop grinning. So she was a Princess after all.
Then they had lined up in front of each other, and he couldn't hold it anymore: "So,  Proncess ya ran out of bleach,  huh?"
At that everyone looked confused except for Shuri: "Spoody?"
Now everyone looked even more puzzled but Peter just nodded
still grinning.
Shuri then took out an empty Coca Cola can she drank on the flight and threw it: "This bitch empty.. " at which Peter screamed "YEET". The two then both took off running and laughing towards the elevator.
The adults still with questioning looks on their faces then went on with their business.
And after Tony and T'Challa had finished they found their children in Peter's lab sleeping over two finished lightsabers.

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