Planes II

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Uncle Rhodey brought Peter into the Cockpit from an early age. It was only natural that he wanted to learn how to fly pretty soon. So Peter had his flying license from age thirteen, of course he would have loved to get it earlier but he legally wasn't allowed to until the age of fifteen, so he got it at thirteen.
And with all the planes his father had, he regularly used his license.

Peter's class was at the airport and they had just boarded the plane. They were going on a classtrip to Las Vegas to visit the CES: one of the biggest Innovation/techfairs in the world. They would arrive there on it's last day and they'd stay a week after.

Of course the class was very excited to go to the CES so their excited talking nearly gave Peter an SO. And he was Grateful,  when the Pilot made an announcement,  because that meant shutting off all the Chatter in the plane.

"Attention flight 364. We have technical difficulties and we won't be able to take off. You will be rebooked onto other flights tomorrow."

"I guess we wont be visiting CES,  class. If we can only depart tomorrow,, we won't be arriving early enough. And if none of you can pull up a plane out of no-where than our trip will be cancelled"

That released an outburst of disappointment fom the class.
Then Ned asked: "Couldn't you ask your dad?"

Just as Mr Harrington was about to call the schoolboard,  Peter hesitantly said: "I could ask Mr Stark,  if we could borrow one of his planes?"

"I highly doubt that that will work,  but you may try,  Peter", Mr Harrington sighed.

So Peter stepoed outside,  away from the class,  and called his dad.


Hey dad?

Hey Pete! Aren't you supposed to be on a plane to Vegas?

Uh, yeah, about that... Uhm,  there were technical difficulties and I was wondering if we could borrow one of your planes and if Rhodey or Dr. Banner could fly us?

Uh,  sure, just go to Hangar S5. But Rhodey and Banner are gone on a Mission,  so you'll have to fly the plane....

Oh okay. Hopefully I can make this work. Bye dad!


"He said we could borrow one of the planes,  and we'd just have to go to Hangar S5."

"I have no idea how you landed this gig,  but thank you,  Peter"

So when Peter took his class to hangar S5 and they went on the plane,  Peter decided to sneak away.

"Where do you think you're going?", Flash asked
"Uhm,  no-where?"
"Well,  why don't you just stay here then?", Flash sneered.
"Because if I dont get into the Cockpit,  the plane wont fly!", Peter screamed back.
Silence filled the plane.
Until Mr Harrington asked: "You're supposed to be our Pilot? Are you even qualified for that? You do know that you'll need a license for that,  don't you?"

"First of all,  I've been sitting in a Cockpit since I was three! And I am qualified for this. I have gotten my license at age thirteen! And I am possibly more qualified to fly than every Airline Pilot,  you have ever Seen! Do you want to See my license? It might irritate you because the Name on it is a little different than you might think!"

The class looked shocked at his outbreak,  the teacher looked angry,  until he saw the license: "St-Stark? Tha-That can't be real!"

"It can,  and it is. Would you like to talk to my dad? And why do you think I was able to borrow this plane?"

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