the intern II

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This one is short but uhm,  yeah,  here you go:

-------------------one year later--------------------

"Hey, Ned! Hey MJ! I wanted to ask if you would want to come to my home to finally meet my family.. They've been all over me, wanting to meet you guys. And I wanted to, uhm, introduce you guys....", I said nervously..

"Oh my god, really? We've never been! That would be so cool to finally meet them... But don't you have to go to the internship today?"
"Oh.. uh, yeah. I do have the internship today, but I already asked and I have permission to take you guys into the Tower."

"I'm in, loser."

--------------------after school---------------------

When we got to the Tower I quickly went to get their badges from Thomas, the frontdeskdude, as I called him, and we walked up to the scanner. But before I walked through, I turned around to them and said: "Guys? You'll see a lot today, please, please don't freak out!"
They both nodded and I showed them how to walk through and scan your card. Then FRIDAY announced:
"Lian 'Peter' Lokison, Level 10 Alpha, three items, authorized, welcome back, young Sir, shall I alert your family of your arrival?"

"Sure, Fri, just remind them that I'm bringing friends."
"Uhm, Peter? Why does the AI say that your Name is Lian? And why Lokison? It's kidding right?", Ned asked baffled.

"Uhm... well.... let's just go upstairs and you'll see", I replied.

As the doors opened up, nearly all of them sat on the couch. What a coincidence. Not.
Then dad saw us and we hugged casually (as family does): "How was school kiddo? And I guess you're Ned and MJ? I have heard a lot about you!"
Needless to say,  they were a little shocked,  but after overcoming it Ned insisted that I show him my 'powers'.

Meanwhile Pepper had stolen away MJ and made her an intern just as I was Tony's.

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