I spy with my little eye.....

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After the school bell had rung (is that the actual word?) I walked towards Happy's fancy black car, which was parked around the corner to not raise any suspicion.
I greeted Happy and we started driving home.

(Home being a fancy mansion in this one-shot)

The whole drive I couldn't shake the feeling of being followed, but it was probably nothing.
When we arrived at home, Happy sped off again, to get Dad and Natasha from the airport,

I am so happy he's finally back after a few weeks of being in Russia and he's bringing Auntie Tasha (<°•°<), so we are going to make something special for our welcome home dinner. When I fished the key out of my pocket, I saw a taxi parked at the curb.

Huh. Weird.

"Hey Mom, I'm home!", I said and greeted D-O, our household robot.
(He's kinda like a roomba,  but better yk?)

"Hey Honey, how was school? I'm making sfogliatella for dessert!"
"Oh my god, thank you so much, I loooove sfogliatella!!!!"
"I know. And your Dad loves it too,  that's why I'm making it.", she laughed.
"Wanna help?"
Of course I wanted to help! Maybe I could snack a bit during..
Then we heard distressed beeps.

"Yeah of course imma help. But I'm gonna go look for D-O first!", I quickly replied.

When I found him,  he was stuck on the stairs,  so I carried him up. When I walked back down,  I looked through the window and saw.....
NED AND MJ? In our front yard? And they were arguing?
When I listened in on their conversation they were arguing about ringing the door bell...
So I decided to end that now and opened the front door: "Can I help?"

Ned froze and MJ just slowly turned to face me.
When I looked at them questioningly,  they fidgeted with their hands and looked a bit guilty.

"We.. We followed you home.
I-Its just we never saw where you live and we n-never met at your place,  s-so we figured y-youd live i-in a t-trashcan....", MJ stuttered sheepishly.
Then Ned said: "Is this -like- where you work?" And to MJ he added: "For all we know he could still live in a trashcan..."

"Who's at the door, Bambi?", Mom asked, coming out of the kitchen,  bowl in hand.

Now MJ froze.
"This is Ned and this is MJ,  they're my friends. I've told you about them.",
I answered.

"Oh,  alright,  they're welcome to stay for dinner, if they want. I just have to know how much food to make.", and with that she went back to the kitchen.
"Dude that was THE Pepper Potts,  how do you know her? Is she -like- the woman you work for?", Ned asked absolutely fan-girling, even though MJ looked interested in the answers too.

"Well uhm-", I chuckled: "-she sort of is my mom...?"
"And Tony Stark? Is he your-", Ned asked but I cut him off: "-father? Yes! And he will be home for dinner,  after about four weeks in Russia,  and he's bringing Auntie Tasha! I'm just so excited!", I exclaimed loudly.

"Auntie Tasha? Do you mean THE Natasha Romanoff? The ICONIC Black widow?", MJ asked shocked.
"Uhm... yeah?"
She took out her phone in record speed and began texting,  when asked about it,  she replied: "I ain't gonna miss that once-in-a-lifetime-chance to meet my idols. I'm texting my mum that I won't be home for dinner tonight. But seriously though Peter... how could you listen to me ramble on about Pepper Potts and Natasha Romanoff and not tell me that one of them is your mom and the other your Aunt?"

Not to over exaggerate but Ned and I were shocked. We had never heard her say that much at once. And definitely not at that rambling-speed.

So they stayed for dinner and after an embarassing introduction round everybody got along perfectly fine.

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