Field Trip of Doom II

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Clint quickly jumped to his feet
"Hey Petey, how's the trip going?"
By now his whole class stood around them.
"Definitely South since you showed up", Peter said with a grin. Hawkeye fake-pouted: "I did not expect that from you."
"Well you should expect more of me, Princess Merida!", Peter said, widely grinning at the nickname. Clint started grinning too and as he was about to say something Mr Robertson yelled: "PETER PARKER! That is NO WAY to talk to an AVENGER! Detention for a week! Apologize RIGHT NOW!".
As Peters smile slowly started to fade, Clints grew wider: "No, no teach. If anyone is allowed to talk to me this way, than that is Petey right there. I mean he is my nephew after all!"
Clint now grinned widely at his accomplished mission and then he just straight up jumped back into the vent.

"Omg, Peter knows Hawkeye!!"
"Did Hawkeye just call Peter his Nephew?!"
The class began talking wildly.
"The fuck, Penis!? How the fuck did you bribe him to act like he knows you? Did you pay him? Oh, right I forgot, you don't have any money!"

Thankfully Ryan saved Peter from answering these questions:
"Alright, Midtown! We will now go up to the internlabs."
As they walked through the doors they could see a lot of people in lab coats hurry around.
Then Ella ran up to Peter: "Hey MiniBoss, I could use your help on this equation real quick", she said practically dragging him to her workdesk and showing him her work.
"Ella, you multiplied the quadruple of pi by sixteen instead of sixty", Peter said having found the Problem quickly.
"Thanks, MB"
"No problem, El"
Peter returned to the staring group.
"Hey Pete, what are you doing here", a familiar voice said.
Yeah sure, as if dad hadn't told him, Peter thought.

"Oh, Dr. Banner, Sir. It is strange to See you here. This is the tourgroup from Midtown Tech High", Ryan answered for Peter.
"Alright, then I don't want to disturb you, but if Peter is already here,  I could really use his help on this problem I am having here, I couldn't borrow him real quick, could I?", Bruce Banner asked innocently.

But Peter just knew that this was staged, even if he hadn't known he would've figured it out at last when he looked at the problem and it was one of the easiest things he'd ever seen.

Ryan had let the students roam around the lab alone under the promise not to touch anything. When Peter walked over to MJ and Ned they were standing at Isla's desk asking her about her progress.

"Okay puny, how the FUCK did you bribe the fucking Hulk to pretend to know you? I bet your knees are pretty sore now!", he nearly screamed at the Trio. "And how did you hack the fucking AI to give you such high clearance atleast give yourself a believable level."
Mr Robertson stepped in: "He is right, you know, faking a badge is a crime, which is why you are going to get a suspension when we get back and a week of detention"
The teacher looked happy to have used his authority for the greater good of the student body. In reality the teacher was just happy to have found an opportunity to give a punishment to that arrogant, dishonest and rude boy.
Claiming to have a stark internship just to gain attention and just going around correcting HIS work, who did he think he was.

-----------------change of location----------------
(Avengers living room)

When both Banner and Barton had returned, the Avengers decided to all watch the embarassing footage of their little spiderling.
At first they were laughing at the embarassment but the smiles quickly turned into anger and shock, when they saw how their baby was treated by this brat. After watching the second video they saw that not only that asshole (i know language, sorry) of a teenager but also this complete failure of a teacher needed does one put this.... guidance.

After Nat and Bucky had to hold back Tony from marching down there and slapping both of them into unconciousness they came up with a plan and after Clint had texted Ryan their new schedule they started preparing.

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