The one where he gets engaged

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Sorry for not writing for some time,  but I'm working on another story too right now.


In chat


I'm coming to NY.
I'm coming over and we'll watch the office.


But I have school:(


Can't you just skip it?


Noooo,  cause then dad will ask where I went! 

Do YoU hAvE mY kImOyO bEaDs?


I did bring them this time.
Hey Spides,  when are you done with school today?

I'm gonna pick you up!

----------------------after school---------------------

"Ned,  please don't forget that I told my parents that I'm with you and thanks for covering for me"
"No Problem,  dude...
Woah!  What is THAT??"

As I looked in the direction he pointed,  I saw- Oh no! - a f*cking wakandan royal talon fighter.
The aircraft ramp opened and out came Shuri. She appeared to look for someone,  or well me.

But Flash being the dumb jerk he is went up to her and started flirting,  or, what he called flirting:
"Hey hot stuff! Was your mother a beaver,  cause damn!"
Her response was just a "Shove off".

And when Flash saw me walking up to her,  he snickered and said: "No way,  that Penis Parker can get her"
I just smirked, walked up to her and said: "Hey Shurr,  wanna show him how it's done?"
"Sure,  Boyfriend!"
"Hey hot stuff,  wanna go out some time?"
"Hey hot stuff,  wanna marry?
"Sure,  fiance"
And then I kissed my girlfriend of two years.

Guess we're engaged now.

"I should probably buy you a ring now,  shouldn't I? Wanna head to the jeweler?", I asked her and she nodded grinning.

Then I remembered that basically my whole school was watching,  so I waved to Ned and MJ and said loud for everyone to hear: "Bye,  guys!"

And with that I closed the ramp to the hovering aircraft and we left the gaping students behind.

After we had bought eachother (very expensive) engagement rings at the jeweler, we spent the rest of the afternoon planning how to reveal our relationship and our engagement to our family. And we came up with the perfect plan.

When we arrived back at the Tower    -seperate of course-  we tried to look like we hadn't seen each other just ten minutes ago. So we fell into each others arms and immediately went to my lab to work on Phase I of our plan.

We were in the lab because I have a printer,  believe it or not,  in there and we decided to print out wedding invitations. But we didn't put any names on it,  so that they had to go to find out who was getting married and,  to not seem suspicious, we made invitations for us too.
As we included enough personal info to let them know that it was someone from the Team getting married,  they would of course be intrigued.

Afterwards we let them get mailed to the Tower and needless to say it caused a lot of Chaos, everybody accused someone else and we played along just fine.

(And before you ask,  yes they are old enough to get married)

-----------the day of the wedding-------------

As everybody was getting ready for the mysterious wedding,  Shuri and I went through the plan again. I wore a black suit and Shuri wore a red,  kneelong dress  but she had made herself a necklace, in which she had integrated a beautiful white weddingdress.
(Just like T'Challa's suit,  but more elegant)

We had paid off a priest and a photographer and made them sign NDA's. My best man was Ned and her maid of honor was MJ,  because they had been in on the plan all along and had helped set up everything.

We were all flying to the chapel just outside town in the jet. It was still a lot of Chaos and Tony nearly flipped something because well in 'normal situations' he could just find out everything and he was very..... unwell about the fact that he couldn't this time.

Everything went just according to plan. Shuri got a call,  so she could get out of the chapel,  from where she would be led to the Altar by Okoye. I just sat at the front row ready to stand up.

Then a big banner fell from the ceiling (not Bruce) revealing the writing: 'Please do not freak out during the ceremony! Freak out after!'

When I stood up,  I just smiled at the shocked faces, then MJ and Ned took their stand right next to me.
At that Moment the music started and Shuri and Okoye walked up and Shuri revealed her weddingdress.

--------------------afterwards ------------------------

Welp. I'm a married man now.
And they did freak out,  but -thank Thor- in a positive- 'why-didnt-you-tell-us'-way.
So uhm,  kids that's the story on how I got married to your mother.

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