Planes III

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Uncle Rhodey brought Peter into the Cockpit from an early age. It was only natural that he wanted to learn how to fly pretty soon. So Peter had his flying license from age thirteen, of course he would have loved to get it earlier but he legally wasn't allowed to until the age of fifteen, so he got it at thirteen.
And with all the planes his father had, he regularly used his license.

Peter's class was on a classtrip to Italy. By plane. And they were halfway through the flight when panic emerged.

"This is Stewardess Maria speaking,  please,  do not panic! Our Pilot has physical problems at the Moment. And -unfortunately- our co-pilot is a trainee. So if any doctor or licensed Pilot is on board,  we would like you to step forward. And,  I repeat,  do not panic!"

That set off even more panic.

This did shut most people up.
And after no one had stood up for about five minutes,  Peter decided he had to help. So he walked up to the stewardess and told her: "Mam? I have a flying-license and I can fly this plane if needed"
At first she laughed,  but when Peter showed her his license,  she quickly brought him to the cockpit,  where the Pilot laid on the floor unconcious and the trainee looked very nervous. And he looked even worse when he saw Peter enter: "How are you supposed to help?"

"Sir,  I do have my flying license and I can fly this plane. Probably better than you right now.", Peter said,  looking him up and down.
He took a look at the Pilot and decided to leave him be,  as he couldn't really help him right now.
So he settled into the cockpit, turned levers,  pushed buttons and began instructing the trainee to help.

After being sure he was all settled in,  the stewardess asked him to make another announcement to keep down the panic of the passenger.

"This is your New Pilot speaking,  we will resume our flight as normal as possible.
And now a special announcement to  Mr Vergol and his students: No worries,  we'll make it on time to check in to the Hotel"

-----------a few meters further back----------

"Was that Penis?! Can he even fly?"

"Oh god! One of my students is piloting a 400tons-heavy plane!"

"Guys,  relax,  Peter's got his flying-license at age thirteen,  we'll be perfectly fine!"

----------------a few hours later-------------------

Peter had successfully landed the plane,  and after explaining the Situation to the Tower,  they quickly brought medics over to the plane.

And when he stepped out of the Cockpit,  the passengers were shocked. A fifteen year old had flown their plane safely to italy? After a bit of hesitation they did decide to clap for him and his class was still shocked.

But after overcoming the initial shock,  which was when they sat on the bus to the Hotel, they asked questions,  a lot of them. Also Mr Vergol wanted to See Peter's license,  just to be sure. So Peter did what he had to do,  he revealed himself as a Stark.

Needless to say,  everybody was nicer to him after.

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