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Peter is 5 years old in this oneshot.

"Hey kiddo, I'm home!"
Little footsteps came running.
"Daddy! You're back" a little boy ran up to Tony Stark and hugged him.

After getting Pepper out of her office the family decided to go and get icecream at the Park (well.. actually Tony and Peter convinced her to go celebrate).

(Just to clarify Tony was gone on a Mission for about a month)

---------------------at the park------------------------

"Okay you stay here with Mama and I will get us all icecream, alright?"
"Oki, daddy", said Peter bouncing in excitement.


"Hey darling, Mama has to take this call, alright honey? Just ... stay right here!", Pepper told her son.

But Peter was starting to get bored, because his Papa was taking so long, so he decided to go and check up on him.
When his mama turned around for a second he walked off.
He didn't really remember were the icecream stand was but that couldn't be too hard, could it?

So he walked across the Park, but he couldn't find his Papa. After a while he started calling for his Papa and his Mama.

"Mama? Papa?", he cried out the fourth time:"Where are you?"
"Are you lost litte one? Can I help you? Hey Ned, come here please!"
"My Mama and Papa said not to talk to strangers."
"That is alright, but if you want to I will help you find them. You can call me Amara and meet my son Ned, I think you may be the same age.", the woman said.

She looked nice, maybe he could make an exception, she wanted to help him find his parents,  right?

"Hello, I'm Ned and I'm five years old and you?", the other little boy said.
"Hi, I'm Peter and I'm five years old too! But I can't find my mama and my papa!"
"Okay then, Peter. Where have you seen your parents the last time?", the nice lady named Amara asked.
"Well my daddy went to get me and mama icecream and then my mommy got a call. And I got bored and tried to find daddy, but I couldn't find him!", Peter said, letting out small sobs.


"Tony? Tony! He-he's gone. He just ran off! I already searched half the Park. But I couldn't find him!"
"Hey Pep, it's gonna be alright. We'll find him. Let's.. Let's just bring you back to the Tower.. and then I'll go back out searching with the suit."


"Hey Peter, its gonna be alright! We'll find them. You said that your father went to get icecream, let's go and search there first then."

But after having been to the icecream stand and basically everywhere else in the Park too, they couldn't find Peter's parents.

"Okay Peter, do you know the names of your parents, so we can find them?"
"Yes", he exclaimed proudly: "my papa's Name is Tony Stark and my mama is Pepper Potts!"

Of course Amara did not believe Peter, she thought that the little boy was just naming his hero, though it was a little odd he knew his wife. But it couldn't hurt to go looking for help at the Tower with their technology, right?

So the mother took the two boys to the Tower while Peter and Ned chatted about Legos. When they arrived at the Tower and had walked in, Peter loudly said: "FRIDAY, where is my papa and my mama?"
"Uhm, I dont think....", Amara started, but she was interrupted.
"Hello Peter, your mother is in the Penthouse and your father is on his way down, shall I alert them of your presence?", a voice beemed up.
"Yes, please"
"They have been alerted of your presence and are both on their way down here."

Amara was very surprised to hear that the SI-AI knew Peter but she was not ready to see the actual Tony Stark and Pepper Potts run towards the small boy and embracing him in hugs.
So she picked up Ned and awkwardly backed away and said: "Uhm.. well, we'll get going then... Uhm bye!"

"Oh, hello! Who are you, if I may ask?", Pepper Potts asked a quite shocked Amara Leeds.

"Uhm, well, we saw Peter in the Park, and helped him find his way back here"
"Oh, then thank you. Thank you so much for bringing our son back to us. And of course you can come up with us, if you don't have any other plans of course, but we would like to thank you.
Maybe the boys want to take a look at Peters Lego collection?"

And that was the begin of a very nice geeky and sciency friendship between Ned and Peter, they often went on playdates and talked about Lego and a they started to become sciencebuddies.

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