the medbay

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None of the characters are mine, just the story, also I never know how to start these so imma just jump into it.

I woke up from a sharp sound ringing in my ear, and shot out of bed covering my ears, before I realized that it was just my alarmclock.

After turning it off I quickly put on my school clothes and my nano-bracelets (they're basically bracelets that can form into his suit/ webshooters depending where he taps).
As I was eating my breakfast (yummy, waffles) I realized I could still fit in a short patrol before I had to get to school.

We're having a surprise-location-fieldtrip today, I'm kinda excited but yet no fieldtrip has ever turned out good for me so, yeah.

After I stopped a mugging and tripped a dude that was running from some cops, Karen told me that if I didn't go now I'd be late to school -in the same moment I heard a scream coming from a few blocks away.
At first I hesitated but then again, what would happen if this person died because i didn't do anything?

So I swung towards the noise and saw  a few men harassing a young girl.

I swung down into the alley placing myself between the molesters and the girl: "Did no one teach you any manners? "
They looked surprised, but quickly caught themselves. Smirking, they pulled out guns.

"That's not good" I thought while dodging the first few shots.

Then I shot a web towards the edge of a building and started to swing myself in that direction picking the girl up in the flight. I placed her on the ground, away from the scene and then swung back.

As I was about to land one of them shot at my web causing me to fall to the ground. Although I managed to dodge quite a few of them, the next few shots caught me off guard. One bullet hit me in the abdomen and another one hit my shoulderblade.
Finally I managed to web two of the men and their weapons to the wall of the alley.
The last one pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the leg with it. I managed to web him to the wall aswell.

As the adrenaline wore off I nearly tumbled to the ground only holding on to the walls next to me:
"Karen, call Dad"
"Calling 'Dad' "
Then everything went dark.
"Kiddo, what is it? Shouldn't you be in school?"

-----------------------Ned's POV-----------------------

When Peter didn't show I got a little worried, but I didn't think much of it, he was probably just sick or something.

When we got on the bus, Mr. Colta took attendance and told us we would be going to THE S.I.- TOWER. Of course I freaked out, I mean hello? Technological marvels up to the roof!

When we arrived, we all got badges and our tourguide Sandy took us to the elevator.
"Okay everyone, our first stop will be the medbay. But don't expect to see any Avengers, because there is currently no real threat out there, none of them should be injured. So you will only be seeing the equipment, I still want you to be quiet please!"

When we arrived at the medbay, everyone was shocked. There was so much commotion, a lot of people, nurses and doctors, running around. And in the middle of this there stood the Avengers in all their glory, well some of them were still in what looked like pajamas but still, they couldn't not look glorious, they were heroes after all.
But they looked..... nervous or worried even!
Suddenly Ironman crashed through the window carrying a red and blue unconscious body.

------------------------3rd POV-------------------------

Then a doctor noticed the tour group standing in the medbay and ushered them out. But just before the door  closed they could see the nanoparticles retreating back into the bracelets, leaving to see the unconscious Peter Parker (or should I say Stark?) in a horrible condition.

"Oh god! That was junior!", Sandy said.
Everybody looked at her confused, causing her to explain further: "That's Mr Starks son, sometimes he comes down to our intern floor to help us on some projects. Oh god, how could this happen! How did he get injured? He doesn't deserve this, he is such a sweet kid, I mean he is already a billionaire and would get everything he could possibly want, but he stays down to earth. He treats us like we are on the same level, even though he has doctorates already! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! But I shouldn't even be talking to you about this. Oh no! I just revealed one of SI's greatest secrets! Oh shit, shit, shit! What do I do?", she stopped her emotional rant, hands on her head.
"Ma'am? It is gonna be alright! We won't tell a soul about Peter, right guys?", Ned said and everybody nodded.
At that Sandy looked grateful at first, but that soon turned into confusion: "How do you know his name? I never told you his name! Did I?"
"Well, ma'am. He is our classmate.... "

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