Private Island

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It was the last day of Highschool.
Like the absolute last day.

And Peter and his family decided to run a testrun. They wanted to reveal Peter's identity to his class first to See their reaction.

So they had decided to Sponsor the graduation trip and take them to their private Island. And today it was going to be announced.

"Class? Class! I know that you're all very excited right now, but let me announce something.. it's about the graduation trip"

That immediately shut up the class.

"Okay, so you could say that our trip was hijacked, by a certain male Stark.
And he invited us to his private Island. Though you'll have to sign NDA's."

It was good that the teacher said the exact words he'd been instructed to say, because 'a certain male Stark' was in fact not Tony, it was Peter.

Peter then raised his Hand:
"Uhm, excuse me, Sir? I won't be flying with you."
The teacher just nodded but Ned looked at him like he was insane: "Duude? You're really not coming? This is a one in a Million chance!"
"Like I said, Ned. I won't be flying with you. Sorry dude"

-----------------the day of the trip---------------

Peter had come to the flight Hangar early, to get his bags in the plane and to get himself in the Cockpit, before his class could see him.

He could hear them getting on the plane and when he was sure they were all gawking at the luxurious furnishing, he turned on the microphone: "Welcome on board to one of the most luxorious private jets of the Stark family, this is your Pilot speaking, before we take off, I would like to speak to some of the passengers, would Ms Michelle Jones, Mr Ned Leeds and Mr Harrison please get to the Cockpit!"

Ned and MJ looked at each other questioningly, but they followed their teacher to the cockpit.

When they stepped in though, they noticed a veeery familiar Person.
But before they could say anything-

"Peter Parker, what do you think you're doing? You can't just sneak in here! Get out before the real pilot comes and throws you out !"

Ned and MJ looked concerned, but Peter just laughed:
"I doubt that that will happen, firstly because -and pleeaase don't interrupt me- I am in fact the Pilot, and yes, I do have my license, I can show you later if you want. But what I was really wanting to tell you, all three of you,
is that I'm not who you think I am.

Mr Harrington? Do you remember the announcement you made? And that you had to announce it word by word how we send it to you?
That was because 'a certain male Stark' is in fact not Tony Stark, but his son.
His son Peter Stark or well.... me.
Now we did invite you to our private Island for a testrun.
A testrun for my press reveal.
And we want to See the reactions of a small group, before we put it out to the whole world."

After Peter finished, the cockpit was completely silent.
Mr Harrington did attempt to say something, but failed, so Peter just wordlessly handed him his flying-license.

--------------------the arrival------------------------

After landing, Peter, once again, turned on the microphone: "Passengers of Jet 5, we have successfully landed. I will step out of the cockpit and help you with your luggage, please Refrain from standing up."

Now everybody was looking towards the cockpit and when Peter stepped out it looked like Flash's brain had just shut itself down.

Not quite-
"Yeah? What is it,  I told you I'd help with luggage!"

The still shocked class handed Peter their luggage and he straight up just threw it out of the door,  at first they got really angry,  until they looked out of the window and noticed a giant plush-thingy.

---------------------------while Peter is giving them a house tour---------------------------------

"So,  how come you did fly with us,  when you said that you wouldn't?"

"I said that I wouldn't be flying with you,  but I did fly you as a Pilot,  so I technichally didn't lie..."

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