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I sort of stole the idea, but I don't remember where from, so if you know them Tag them and if the author wants this chapter removed I'll do so.

Peter's POV

"Alright guys! As boring as this may sound we will now look at the offices of SI. In these offices sit a few of the most important people of our company. Because even a company like StarkIndustries can't survive without accountants", our tourguide Leia said.

This. Is. So. Boring.
I mean I'm not complaining that my secret hasn't been busted yet. But on the other side we would get to See the labs.

"Okay, so this is the office of our head lawyer Mr Thompson, and he-"
"He will prove that you don't have an internship with Mr Stark, Penis!", Flash whispershouted in my ear, thankfully quiet enough that Leia didn't hear.

So when we walked in, Flash asked, full of confidence: "Hey dad, I have a little question that you could answer"

"Hello tourgroup, Leia! Eugene what is it?"

"It's Flash, dad! And also I have this classmate, Penis Parker, the one I told you about, that pretends to have an internship. Could you please tell everyone that he has been lying?", Flash said, pointing at me.

But instead of what he expected:

"Oh my god, good morning, sir! I am so sorry, has my son been bothering you? He won't do it again, I swear! Please don't fire me!", a frightened Mr Thompson said.

"Fire you? Why would Penis be able to fire you, dad?"

"Shush now, Eugene!"

"Oh, believe me he was a pain in the ass, but I won't fire you, you're to good of a lawyer. Also my father would probably not like it, if I fire you, so you're good."

"Oh thank god!"

Just then the alarms started blaring and FRIDAY spoke: "Attention StarkIndustries! Code AT. An ANW has started. Prepare yourself. All members currently participating. "

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.", I said and ran out of the office and towards the wall opposite of us.
Where I scanned my palm in the hidden wallpanel, which opened fast, to reveal a massive variety of nerf guns and bullets. When I grabbed two medium sized guns and a lot of bullets
I remembered that my class was still there. Shit. Anyways. We gotta win this time. I don't want cooking duty for a week again. Even though the Rest of my Team can actually Cook, I don't.

Team Blue: Natasha, Bucky, Wanda and me
Team Green: Clint, Steve, Bruce and dad

When I put in the comm, I could already hear the others of my team shouting.
"Guys, I'm here. Can you come to the offices on floor 47?"

Then FRIDAY rang out again:
"Clint Barton. Shot in the abdomen. Blue team: 1. Green team: 0"

Then Bucky and Wanda sprinted in while Nat gracefully fell through the vent in the ceiling.

"I shot Clint!"
"Anybody's got a plan?"

"Bucky could cause a distraction and then Nat and Wanda attack from the sides and I'll attack from above?"

"Sounds good, what kinda distraction do you need?"


When Bucky came running back in the room,  Steve hot on his heels, the office workers had already barricaded themselves in the office of Mr Thompson.

"Steve Rogers. Shot in the leg.
Blue Team: 2 Green Team: 0"

I quickly scaled the wall and crouched onto the ceiling after Wanda shot Steve.

When Bruce ran into the room thinking that Steve had been shot while running after Bucky he was surprised to See Nat shoot at him from behind a desk.

"Bruce Banner. Shot in the head.
Blue Team: 3 Green Team: 0"

So when dad came into the room he was a lot more careful and kept close to the wall.

Unfortunately he saw Wanda before Wanda saw him.

"Wanda Maximoff. Shot in the chest.
Blue Team: 3 Green Team: 1"

He then noticed Nat and attempted to shoot her,  but she noticed and shot back.

"You missed"

"You did too"

I slowly crawled over to his Position and shot him in the back of the head.

"I didn't"

Thn I jumped down from the ceiling and landed in a crouching Position.

"Tony Stark. Headshot.
Blue team: 4 Green team: 1.
Blue team wins.
Code AT ends.
Work may resume."

Slowly the workers streamed out of Mr Thompsons office and only then I realized that my class was still in there too.

"Uhm,  it's not what it looks like....?", I tried.

"You just crawled on the ceiling.....!"

"Okay,  okay. I am spiderman."

That was when they got loud. Everybody shouted questions at me.
So I put my hands over my ears and tried to shut some of the noise out,  but it didn't work.

Dad noticed my distress amd handed me my special headphones that he always carried with him.

After my senses had calmed down,  I took them off again.
Meanwhile dad had gotten my class to be quiet,  hopefully he didn't say something stupid again.

"You're a Stark?"

He did. Well. This was a pretty eventful day. Hopefully they can keep this secret.
We'll just make them sign NDA's.

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