Brooklyn family

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Okay, so in this story, Bucky is Peter's father and -as weird as it may sound- he was also chosen with his father's boyfriend, for the supersoldier project to see how it would affect different body types and ages.
He was basically with Steve for most of the story, but he was taken by Hydra and they tried to freeze and unfreeze him, like his father, but after around sixtyfive years his spiderserum made his body immune to the freezing proccess and he fought his way out of the base.

Afterwards he had no where to go, so he just looked around confused, because he had no idea, where and when he was and what all those things were that he saw. They had only let him go on missions and not look at the newest technology. The last time they had let him out had been in 1963, when he had shot Kennedy. He was told that another agent had been send but failed so now it was his Mission.

So he was plenty confused when a lady picked up on his confusion and asked if she could help. He was taken in by May Parker and he told her. He told her everything and she helped him become normal, as normal as it gets. At first of course she was shocked that people would do this to a fourteen-year-old, but you couldn't do anything now, could you? For a few weeks she caught him up with the events and then enrolled him in school by pretending that his parents had died and that she assumed custody.


It was a year after May had found him and Peter sat in school next to his new friend Ned when the news came out: they had found Captain America and he was alive.

When Peter excused himself to the bathroom that day he ran, he just ran and ran until he found himself at his comfortplace. He had run all the way to the flatbush section of Brooklyn, where once the Brooklyn Dodgers played. It was his comfort place because one of his happiest memories had come into being there. The three of them (Bucky, Steve and Peter) had been at a Dodgers game. It was in May of 1941 so he was about 12. He just sat there curled up to the wall of a building and sobbed, he sobbed happy tears, but also tears of confusion. Steve was dead but now he wasn't? And what was he supposed to do? He had to meet him, he was his dad too, right?

Then he stood up. Breathing deeply,  he realized that just like him, his dad would have to adjust to this world.

After that his half-dad would probably be living at Stark-tower, so he would have to find a way in there.

Then it struck him. The perfect idea. A vigilante. They would have to bring him in right? And he had the powers to do so,  so for now the only thing he still needed was a mask.

----------------------Peters POV-----------------------

About half a year later.

When I came home from school,  Tony Stark sat on our Couch. And he ate Aunt May's food. Well. I guess my plan worked. A little different than I had expected. But it had worked.

So now I was sitting on a plane to Germany.  I was halfheartedly listening to the briefing that we got. But all that I could think about right now, was to see pops and dad again. Would they recognize me? Would they even remember me?


Welp,  that's my cue.
I jumped onto the scene and stole dad's shield. While everyone's eyes were on me,  I said:

"I'm sorry,  Mr Stark. But I won't fight today. And I do hope that you all agree with me.

Why, you may ask,  well,  you remember my aunt May? She technichally isn't my real aunt,  she isn't my real blood. She just kinda adopted me a few years back. But I just found my real parents. Parents,  who I thought were dead for YEARS.
And I really hope they remember or recognize me. Mr Stark,  I know you think this doesn't have anything to do with this Situation,  but it does! Because my parents are here today and I See them right now. And all I want to do right know is run up to them and hug them."

"Kid,  please,  we-"
"No,  I am not who you think I am. You think I am sixteen years old, a child,  but I am older than you. I have Seen things none of you have,  except for my pops and my dad.".

With these words I got down from the container and handed dad his shield back. Then I stood between the groups and pulled my mask off. My pops gasped and said: "Pete,  is that really you? I thought you were dead!"
"I thought you were dead too!", I sobbed into his shoulders and then a second pair of hands slung around us and we engaged into a little family hug.

And because that was very emotional to watch,  everyone eased up a bit and we/they discussed the issue. We didn't fight. And we took down Ross and his people with logic and not with fists.

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