How she found love

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Very cliche but idgaf, so.....
Here goes....

After accidently writing a different number than she meant to, Michelle finds herself writing this witty and smart boy that seems to be her age.
Yet when he wants to meet her she always declines.
Why? you may ask:
even though she really wants to meet him, she doesn't want him to meet her , because what if he doesn't like her? How she looks? What if he doesn't want anything to do with her afterwards?

---------------------in the chat----------------------

Hey MJ?

Yeah? What is it loser?

I really really want to meet you :))
And before you say no, please hear me out!!!!
I- I think.....
I think might be in love with you.
And I get it if you aren't, you dont have to, really !
I get it, why would you
be in love with me(!) but...
but I really need to just see you once!
Please, just really truly consider it this time!!

---------------------out of chat------------------------

He can't be serious, right?
He has to be joking!
Yes, that is was it is, some sort of joke!
Because why would somebody as perfect as him be in love with her?


I can't be serious, can I?
Why would I just write it like that?
She's probably hating me for ruining the friendship we've built!
Because why would somebody as perfect as her be in love with him ?
She hasn't written back yet.
I probably ruined it!
Should I apologize?


I haven't written back yet.
I probably ruined it!
Should I apologize?

----------------------in the chat-----------------------

(Both at the same time)
Hey, I'm really sorry did I ruin it?
(again at the same time)
No, why would you have ruined it?
(again at the same time)
I did. I shouldn't have done that.

(MJ) Okay, let's stop that! Look I should've written you back directly. But just as usual I was overthinking. And to be honest I still don't know how to reply to your text(s).
Why would you love ME? I'm sure you could have any girl you'd want.

And I shouldn't have made you uncomfortable, but I know about the overthinking, I do that too, ALOT.
And why wouldn't I? You're the perfect one.
And what if I want you?



Let's meet. I wanna look at you and tell you that you are perfect!

Tell me where you live and I'll sent a driver! Saturday at 7?

Yeah, Saturday fits, I live at
(Idk okay!)

-----------------the next saturday------------------

When I stepped out of my room that saturday evening my dad looked at me and said: "Honey, you look gorgeous and if he doesn't See that, ditch him.
I'd love to be the getaway driver!"
"Dad? I am really nervous about this, but not in that way, I already know that he is great, it's more about him liking me, yk?"
"If he breaks your heart I'll break his bones! But don't worry about it, he'll love you!"
Then mom stepped in: "Nick! Leave her be,  this date is going to go great honey,  you look stunning! Oh and the driver's here."
When I went out of the Front door I saw a Limousine parked at the curb. Holy Sugar Honey Iced Tea.
After waving mom and dad goodbye the driver took me to a very fancy looking restaurant. The doors were opend for me and I stepped out,  then the limousine took off. When I tried to walk through the entrance two guards blocked me and one said:

"Sorry ma'am,  the restaurant has been rented out by the Starks tonight,  you won't be able to get in today,  come back tomorrow."
"But I have a date here!", I protested.

The guards just send me sorry glances. So I went on to text Peter
-Apparently the place has been rented out tonight,  they won't let me in...
Meet somewhere else?

About thirty seconds later a waiter came up to the guards from inside and whispered something.
One of them then went up to me and asked who I was here to meet and when I answered with "Peter" they apologized and led me in towards a table.
Just as I was about to think about the fact that Peter had gotten into a restaurant reserved by the Starks,  I heard a voice say: "Hello MJ! Oh god you look gorgeous! I told you that you were the perfect one!"
Oh. My. God. That-That was Peter Stark! I've been messaging Peter Stark! And he looked hot! He wore [the Outfit down below].

"Uhm,  hi? And uhm thanks? You look hot! Oh uhm sorry but no! You are the perfect one!"

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"Uhm,  hi? And uhm thanks? You look hot! Oh uhm sorry but no! You are the perfect one!"

They then proceeded to have a great date,  Nick did not have to break any bones. They met each others parents.  MJ and Peter are understood to take over the company together, she knows about spiderman and all is perfect.

[Sorry,  I actually thought I'd write about the date to,  but then I realized that I have no idea how a date works,  because Ive never been on one, sooo..]

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