Peter and Bucky

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"Okay class,  your homework to tuesday will be to research WWII and write an essay about an inspiring persona of this era! It will have to be at least two pages long! You're dismissed!"
And with that the class streamed out of school and into the weekend.
I walked out of school,  still thinking about our history assignment,  I'm thinking about picking Bucky... I mean Steve is absolutely cool (like literally) and all,  but I'm sure that half of class is gonna write about him,  soo.
Also Bucky is reeeaaally inspiring too,  he inspires me atleast,  but also I know that it was a hard time for him and that he doesn't really like to talk about it.

-----one car ride full of debating later-----

Conclusion: I think - I think I am just going to ask him.
So when I got out of the elevator,  I went to find my Uncle Bucky.
"Uncle Bucky? Hey Mom,  have you seen Uncle Buck?"
"Yeah,  actually. Last time I saw him,  he was in the gym,  why?", she asked.
"Oh, I just gotta talk to him real quick.."
So I went to the qym,  where I was told he'd be in the kitchen,  but he wasn't there either. So I grabbed a fruitbar and went to sit on the Couch. But when I looked up, I saw Uncle Bucky,  watching Frozen II.
(Get it? Because he was frozen too? No? I'll just See myself out then...)

With a fake pout I asked: "You're watching that movie without me? Such betraayaal!"
"Oh hey Pete,  didn't know you were back from school yet"
"Oh,  yeah,  uhm actually I've been searching for you.... ", I said rather hesitantly.
"Why?", he asked,  concerned at my tone of voice.
"Uhm,  it's just I know that you don't like to talk about it, but I still wanted to ask you about it,  but I still dont really know,  but I dont know who else to do, and..", I started to ramble but he interrupted me:
"Woah! Pete! Hey! Slow down! Just tell me what it is,  okay?"
So I told him about the assignment and that I wanted to do it on him.
After assuring,  that I wanted to write that essay on him and not Uncle Steve,  he got a little teary eyed and said that he'd love to help me with it.

--------------------skip to tuesday-------------------

After Flash had read his essay,  the tenth about Captain America but definitely not the last one,  it was my turn.
When I was done,  my teacher asked sharply: "What source did you get all that information from? It was so detailed, that isn't possible. I will have to send you to the director's office,  for making all of that up!"

Flash grinned widely at that.
"Actually, my uncle is the source to 'all of that'. And if you haven't guessed by now his Name is James Buchnan Barnes", I proudly replied,  pointing to the corner of the room where Bucky had been standing unnoticed by everyone.

The whole class shrieked and some had fear in their eyes. But when Uncle Buck came to the Front, I, to the surprise of everyone,  hugged  him and thanked him for coming. After most of them had calmed down enough for it, they were allowed to ask him questions.

And it all went relatively well until (**drumroll**) Flash asked: "So how much did he pay you to say that he's your nephew? Oh right, I forgot, he's too poor to do that! So how'd he do it?"

Okay that definitely hit a nerve! Bucky was livid,  but he somehow managed to keep his voice calm: "Actually he has more money on his hands than you all combined will ever earn! Also he is smarter than all of you, yes including the teacher together! You do remember the last Starkphone? And the Starkpods? They were designed entirely by him! He solved the Problem of the Collatz conjecture at age five!! (If you dont know thats a famous math Problem) And my NEPHEW HERE is the sweetest  and warm-hearted boy ever,  so if you manage to piss him off,  you'd deserve to die. But because he is so sweethearted,  he would never let me kill any of you,  even if you deserve it ten times over.  And if I catch any of you bullying Peter or treating him incorrectly in any way I will make sure that you suffer either way!"

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