the intern

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When Mr Stark was showing me around he announced: "Okay, kiddo, since you're my new personal intern, you're gonna meet the avengers now!"
Shit. I just hoped that HE wont be there.
But I highly doubt that I am lucky enough for that.

So there was no doubt in my mind that I looked absolutely nervous when entering the penthouse with Mr Stark.
"Relax Pete! They're gonna love you!"
Not what I was worried about, but I just nodded.
Let's see: Captain America, Bucky Barnes, Hawkeye, Black Widow, BlackPanther, Antman, THE Bruce Banner, Scarletwitch...... and Thor. But thankfully, HE wasn't there.
Then he introduced us all and they decided that, from now on, I would be their nephew and that I had to call them my aunts und uncles.
Tony called it the puppy-effect.

If only they knew how true that was for one of them. And just as I congratulated myself on this success, HE walked in.

"Hey guys, I got the Popcorn for the mov-", then he saw me and I immediately knew that this was my end. I was gonna die in Front of the Avengers. Shit.
I slowly backed away, but he slowly stalked towards me, a look of anger, confusion and fear in his eyes.
"Uhm, hello? Reindeer games! This is Peter, my new personal intern.. No need to be hostile!", Tony tried to calm him. But that only made it worse, because I had promised him not to.

--------------------switch to asgardian (just pretend with me, alright?)------------------

"I'm sorry Papa, I know that I shouldn't have, but-", I tried.
"No! Lian Lokison! You promised me not to! You promised me not to get in the line of fire! Whenever some threat or danger seems to appear, it appears here and you know that!", he shouted.

"I know that you're angry and I understand that you have every reason to be, but please just listen to me, okay?", after receiving a tired nod, I resumed: "Look, this place, this man they understand me, they get all the babble about science, I know that I promised you not to intern here, but I just had to apply, I didn't even know if they would take me! But when they did..... I couldn't just throw away this once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity! I am sorry Papa, but please don't make me leave. I can defend myself! I am half frostgiant and half asgardian! And after that spiderbite I've gotten even better! Please don't make me leave this place, I love it here."

When my Papa looked up I saw that he understood me, and we just hugged, both nearly crying.

--------switch back from asguardian--------

Then I heard a "What the fuck?", from Clint followed by a "Language", from cap.
Then Tony spoke up: "Okay, Peter would you please explain to us what is going on here? Because no matter how hard my brain works, it can't process this Situation. Also what language was that and why do you know it?"

"Well, I could answer the language one: that was Asguardian.
And I could also explain the rest but I think that should be their secret to tell."

"Thank you, Uncle Thor", I said.
Then I had to chuckle and Papa and Thor chuckled too, because of the iron-y of the situation.

And then, I could practically see, Tony connecting the dots: "Wait a minute, is this what I think it is?"
"I think so", I replied.
We then explained it to the other ones, that still didn't get it and they oohed and aahed all over the place. Afterwards we actually watched the movie, we had planned to watch.
Both of us moved into the Tower a week after.

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