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Uncle Rhodey brought Peter into the Cockpit from an early age. It was only natural that he wanted to learn how to fly pretty soon. So Peter had his flying license from age thirteen, of course he would have loved to get it earlier but he legally wasn't allowed to until the age of fifteen, so he got it at thirteen.
And with all the planes his father had, he regularly used his license.

Peter was on a Mission, or no, spiderman was.
They had to dismantle a Hydra base and find important files.
And because neither Bruce nor Rhodey could join their Mission and Tony had gotten a hit to the head, he had to fly the plane.

So Tony acted like he'd fly, but Peter or Spiderman followed him and Peter flew while Tony lied back.
They were having a conversation about his Grades until Steve barged in: "Tony, we found something in the fil- What the fuck?! You cant just give Spiderman flying-lessons while we're all inside the plane! He could crash us all! GUYS, COME HERE!"

Quickly after, the Rest of the Team barged into the Cockpit, ready to fight enemies, but they were very confused when they saw the scenery before them.
"What is going on here?", Natasha asked. She knew that they wouldn't crash, she also knew that it was her nephew Peter behind the 'steering wheel'. And since he's had his license for over three years she didn't worry about her safety.

Only then it dawned on her that the others didn't know about the license, or worse, they didn't even know about Peter.

But Spiderman kept the 'steering-wheel' steady in his hands, that's when Steve tried to rip it from him and they started to tussle.
"Just stop it Rogers! Cone on, kiddo, just show him", Tony sighed, stopping the tussle.
"Okay, dad", Spidey said and tapped on the bracelets to get to his jeanspockets.

But that alone started some commotion and the duo got a lot of disbelieving looks.
Steve's mouth still hung wide open when Peter handed him his license.

After Steve had read it,  the license was handed through the Teams hands.
And everyone just stood there, open-mouthed,  until Natasha handed him his license back.

"Thanks, Auntie Tasha!"
Natasha smiled, fond of her little spider.


"We found out when he was three", Bucky responded for her.
"And I met him when he was five", Loki said.
"Rhodey and Bruce know too", Tony added.

After a lot of disbelieving stares at the five of them, they got to talk and they found out that Peter was the best that could've happened to them.

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