not an intern

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'Okay,  this is the day,  you can do it,  don't be nervous.', I tried to reassure myself.
"Hey Ned,  MJ? You wouldn't happen to have time for a sleepover today? We could go to my place.", I asked my two best friends.
"Really? Your house? We've never been there! I definitely got time."
"Me too, loser!"
"Well I just thought it was time to show you guys were I live.  But we've gotta stop at the tower first, on the bright side though I can show you guys were I work!"

---------------------after school-----------------------

I had told mom and dad about my plan,  and of course they weren't too happy,  but they understood that I didn't want to keep my friends in the dark. So that's why I now walked to the Avengers Tower/ StarkIndustries with my friends.

I confidently walked over to the receptionist,  who I recognised as Eve. Ned and MJ walked behind me not so confident and totally in awe at the marvellous sight that the tower was.
"Good afternoon,  I'd like to guestpasses please.", I stated.
"Well the waiting times for those are about three mon- Oh god hey Peter it's you! Sure,  coming right up. What names do you need on them?"
Her sudden change in demeanor startled MJ and Ned.

"The names are Michelle 'MJ' Jones and Edward 'Ned' Leeds. And by the way how are Sarah and the kids? Didn't Sam turn three this weekend?"
"You remembered! Yeah we threw s Party for him and his friends,  Sarah and Lucy are well too,  thanks for asking! Here are the badges!", Eve replied,  smiling brightly.
"Oh and I'll need two NDA's aswell. They're gonna find out about THE THING today.", I added.
"Oh,  the THING? Sure here are two of them! Well then good luck!", with that I dragged my,  by now really confused, friends over to the scanners.

"You gotta sign those first! Then you'll get your badge and can walk through the scanners!"
"Alright then,  let's See your workplace now!", MJ said. She then walked through the Scanner and FRIDAY announced: "Michelle 'MJ' Jones, Level 1, no unauthorized items. Hello MJ!"
Then Ned went theough the Scanner: "Edward 'Ned' Leeds,  Level 1, no unauthorized items. Hello Ned!"
They wanted for me to step through the Scanner too,  but I just walked through the VIP clearing. Now they stared at me like security would tackle us all down any Moment. As I then ushered them into the private elevator,  instead of the normal one,  they shot me even more disbelieving looks.

"FRIDAY! Floor 99, please!", I asked
"Hello Peter,  two occupants of this elevator do not have the clearance for that floor. Do you want to give an override code?"
"Oh,  I almost forgot! Yes: FRIDAY! Override these two passes for good please! Override Code: Peter Stark: TPM528sqrllv"
"Override code accepted. Passes for Michelle 'MJ' Jones and Edward 'Ned' Leeds are overridden for any further interactions by Peter Stark"
"Uhm. PETER? Did you forget to tell us something?", MJ asked me.
"I told you,  we'd sleep over at my house!", I shrugged.
"Duude! You're literally Tony Stark's son! And you did not tell us? That is so Cool, can I meet him?"
"Actually my dad AND my mom are waiting for us in the Penthouse. They wanted to meet my two best friends! And,  uhm,  I'm actually not sure if my aunts and uncles didn't decide to join them..."
And so MJ and Ned met their idols/ found out about their best friends parentage.

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