Chapter 57

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And finally, my wedding day came, NOT. Hahahaha! It's our last night being single. Saya nervous gila untuk besok!

Jordan's dad semakin pulih after getting the best treatment that daddy recommended. It was only 3 months, but we only decided to get married after 6 months because I want our wedding to be perfect! I'm only getting married once in my life, so perfection is a must!

Tapi kan itupun dipendekkan to 5 months. Ummm, saya mual bah. Pening. In these 5 months saya pulang balik KK-KL-KK. I'll have to kasi habis my law degree, it's my final year. Ngam-ngam me and Jordan getting married, I'll be doing my chambering sudah. Saya belum decide lagi KL or KK. Dad of course wants me to be in KK. Bagus juga kalau di KK, we can buy a house in KK and take care of Jordan's dad.

SHAWN. Ada juga sekali-sekala dia whatsapp saya tanya khabar. Bukan saya yang reply, si logiut saya yang mereply on behalf of me. Ada juga saya terbaca satu kali.

Shawn: Hi, Bella. Just wanna check on you.

Shawn: Sihat juga?

Shawn: It's ok, you don't have to reply if you don't want to.

Me (actually Jordan): Hi, Shawn, I'm good.

Me (actually Jordan): Infact I'm ecstatically happy.

Shawn: Good to hear. How's Jordan?

Me (actually Jordan): Jordan is the cause of my happiness.

Shawn: Oh, I see.

Me (actually Jordan): We are getting married very soon by the way.

Shawn: Oh, congrats, tak nak jemput ke?

Me (actually Jordan): Bah, we'll send invitation juga tu.

Shawn: Mmm, bah. Okay.

But sejak dad sent out my wedding invitation to Uncle Nelson. They had a long chat about what happened to Jordan and his family. Uncle Nelson mahu Jordan balik KL and resume balik his position as Head of Cardiothoracic and General Surgery at ADGH. Siap giving Jordan a higher offer lagi tu, banyak yang kami need to think. Hurmmm.

Our last night as boyfriend and girlfriend. Soon to be my ex-boyfriend. Ouch!

MY HUSBAND. Berdebar jantung saya by just imagining that title to Jordan. Dan saya akan betul-betul jadi Mrs. Jordan Asher Choong. Ireland Isabella Robinson-Choong. I like it.

Because it's our last night. Darah muda. So my brothers, Thania, Lilia, Vivi and my cousins decided to celebrate our last night di bar one of Chester's good friend di KK juga. We reserved a long table and tower of drinks and liquor. Saya tidak pandai minum. Hahahaha! But what the heck kan tonight. Besok jadi bini orang sudah yo!


At the bar, kami semua berkumpul. All my brothers ada kecuali London, biarlah London tu. Memang he's like that. Lagi sandi kalau dia ikut. Mulut tidak pandai ada tapisan. Sudahlah memang judge, gaya pun very judgmental. Siap semua tu gadis-gadis di bar nanti kena criticize.

As usual kalau bar-bar saja ni memang ada live band and memang Filipino band, syok dorang nyanyi. Saya looked at Jordan, he's on to his 5th glass of beer sudah sambil memeluk pinggang saya and kissing my hair.

"You make sure you take care of my sister, bro." Sydney bilang dengan muka yang mahu-mahu tunjuk garang konon. Lilia at his side, bersandar di bahu kiri dia.

"No balls shooting ah? Sandi sudah saya ni kena picit saja kalau ada orang tu geram." Jordan menjeling manja towards me sambil ketawa kecil.

"You guys sudah made your decision?" Holland tanya kami, looking from me to Jordan. Saya tahulah tu. Holland is asking where kami going to stay, KL or KK.

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