🖤How and Why- Bowers Gang

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-Why: Your timidness. Weird, right? Here is big old tough Bowers liking a person cause of how shy they are. Just b grateful I guess lmao- anyways he thinks it's cute.
-How: You were at school. It was the end of the day and you were putting up your stuff in your locker. You shut the door to find Henry just standing there. Before you could speak, he grabbed your wrist (quite roughly) and dragged you to a broom closet. He shoved you in and then came in after. "You better not tell anybody I said this." You blink a few times, slowly nodding your head. "God, I can't believe I'm saying this. This is so stupid. I think I like you, okay? I think I like you a lot. I can't get your stupid face out of my head, so. Go out with me." You were kinda confused and probably a bit appalled but decided to say yes in the end.

-Why: He fell for how sweet and wonderful you and your soul are. He knew when he saw you that you weren't a bad person. After you talked, he thought of you as his own type of personal angel.
-How: He invited you to hang out with him after school. He even ditched his friends for you. He knew Henry would be enraged, but he took the chance. You were walking together around town, side by side, when he stopped and grabbed both of your hands. You turned to face him and he just asked. "Y/N, you've changed my life and the way I think about things ever since I met you. Even though I know about my reputation, you make me better, and I can't beg you enough to be mine." You said yes, beaming, and he smiled, picked you up and twirled you around. Wooo.

-Why: He likes how innocent you are. He likes to make crude jokes and tries to make you uncomfortable because....in the nicest way of saying this, he's a weirdo :,)
-How: He dragged you into the woods while you were walking (like he grabbed you out of nowhere while you were walking home) and told you how he felt. It wasn't exactly romantic, but for some reason you decided to say yes (I'm not hating on anyone who loves Patrick, I just personally don't like him too much oof)

🖤Belch (Reginald)
-Why: He fell for how creative and smart you are. You knew a lot about cars and told him a bunch of cool little details that he didn't know before. He likes your taste in music too, which is a plus. :)
-How: One weekend, he asked you out for a drive around town. You agreed. When you hopped in, all dressed up nice, he was speechless and couldn't stop staring. Like he literally almost wrecked from staring at you too long. He finally stopped and pulled over and confessed his feelings. You thought it was cute and told him you liked him back. Afterwards, y'all jammed out to music and went to a diner.

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