🖤They See You Cry-Bowers Gang

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-He gets super soft and worried
-If you're just having a bad day, he'll give you way more compliments than he usually does and will cuddle or do whatever you want
-If it is someone, he will not hesitate to find out who it is and fight with them. He'd get so mad

-he's just as soft as always with you, if not softer
-If you were having a bad day, he'd sing to you, braid your hair, do your makeup for fun, compliments you, buys you snacks and cuddles you
-If it was someone, he'd be calm while he's with you and he'd get you to tell him who it is, but later he'd get the rest of the gang to fight whoever it was

-He'd be either confused or mad
-confused if you're having a bad day, and mad if it was someone who caused you to have a bad day
-if you had a bad day, he'd be nicer. He'd cuddle you, play your favorite movies and ask if you needed anything.
-If it was someone who made you upset, he'd go find them immediately.

-He'd be so worried for you
-If you were having a bad day, he'd get you food from your favorite place, hold your hand more often, check in on you, and leave you little notes/presents for you to find
-If it was someone, he'd stay with you and try to make you feel better while he gets the rest of the gang to do something about it

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