✨You Pair Up For A Class Project

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-He already has an idea of what he wants to do, but he takes ideas from you as well.
-You guys work together the entire time, neither of you got stuck doing most of the work.
-You guys have a lot of fun, and he's really nice about it the entire time
-You guys make a really good grade, and you're a great team

-You guys mess around a lot, but also get work done.
-Normally she just comes up with ideas and you put stuff together, but if she can do it, she'll help.
-You guys put a lot of effort into it, but have a lot of fun as well.
-Y'all never have any arguments.
-You guys make a good grade and work well together.

-If it's a 'building something' type project, he's more comfortable doing the building.
-He gets most of his ideas/inspiration from you, and just builds whatever you want him to.
-After he's done making your idea, he adds his own little details and whatnot.
-You guys work really well together, and he takes all of your ideas into consideration.
-If you have an idea that he doesn't really like that much, he won't argue. He'll just try to suggest something that will work better.
-You guys are an amazing team, and he's super sweet the entire time.
-Of course, you guys make a super good grade!!

-You guys are a really good team, it's just that he has problems focusing on it.
-You get him to tell you some of his ideas, and you do a lot of the work, but you get him to do some too.
-He gets bored pretty easily so you try to make the project more entertaining, if that makes sense.
-You did most of the work, but he did contribute some so,,,,
-You guys make a good grade, but it's like a B because Richie either accidentally broke something off and you didn't have time to replace it, or he just accidentally messed something up-

-You guys finish really fast because you're both really serious about grades.
-You equally do the work, and come up with a lot of cool ideas.
-You guys also talk a lot about random stuff while working on your project.
-He's really nice about everything, but sometimes you argue a bit because you both have good ideas that you want to use, but you don't have money for all of it.
-You guys make a good grade :)

-He kind of takes control of the project, because he wants it all to be perfect
-He takes account of your ideas and stuff though, and uses some of them
-He does most of the work, but that's because he wanted to.
-Sometimes he tells you to do certain things for the project, but he's the one that puts it all together.
-You guys never argue
-It ends up looking really good, and you make a really good grade!!

-I'm not sure what to put here since he's homeschooled :0

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