✨You Get Bitten By Something

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This was a request! Thank you IMMAgeekBoi 💕

((You didn't get bitten by anything that would kill you))

-He isn't panicking, but he's really worried
-Asks if you're okay every 5 seconds
-You assure him you're fine, but he keeps worrying
-He babies you the entire day just because he feels bad for you

-She checks it out to make sure that you're alright, and that the bite isn't infected
-She makes sure that you don't mess with it, and that you're okay
-She knows you'll be okay, but she still makes sure you're fine throughout the day

-He gets really worried
-He can tell what kind of bite it is, but he gets afraid that you're hurting or something
-Even though you're fine, he literally helps you do everything for that day
- "I'm going to go get my book from my room, I'll be right back, Ben."

-does an impression of you getting bit
-Makes sure you're alright
-He trusts you when you say you're okay, so he doesn't worry or have to get Eddie

-goes into a panic because he's worried you got bit by something deadly
-he checks it out every 10 minutes
-Gives you a cute bandaid
-He scolds you when you mess with it or even get close to touching the place you got bitten
-puts a heck ton of medicine on it

-feels bad about it
-babies you and is more soft
-he makes sure you feel alright and takes care of it
-he makes sure it goes away over time

-He puts medicine on it and makes sure it doesn't look bad or infected
-He makes sure that it goes away
-He asks if you're okay a lot

✨IT (2017) Preferences: Book 1✨Where stories live. Discover now