🖤Them As Twilight Characters

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‼️If you're reading the Twilight books, there's a semi spoiler warning on Victor's part, so read at your own risk (it doesn't reveal anything major, but it says something that will happen). There is also a semi spoiler on Patrick's part for the same reason, except Patrick's is more in detail!‼️

-honestly I genuinely don't know for him— if you guys have any suggestions or opinions on which character he'd fit, please lemme know in the comments!

-Why: At first meeting, he isn't that dangerous. He seems like a pretty okay guy. Later on though, he still isn't too awful violent, but still threatens to kill. He can be dangerous, but idk.

-Why: At first meeting, he is seen as dangerous. He isn't afraid to do what he wants, regardless of what happens. He isn't afraid to harm others for his benefit, and when he does something, he is scarily determined to finish it. He is intelligent in how he plans out what he does, and he is pretty frightening.

-Once again, I have no clue. I would say Victoria but I genuinely don't know. What do you guys think?

A/N: I'm so sorry that this chapter wasn't as thorough as the last chapter! There's not a lot of characters that I know would kind of match them all. With that said, I still hope you enjoyed reading!

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