✨They See You Cry-Losers

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-bruh he'd probably cry with you
-if it was just a bad day, he'd probably reassure you and try to distract you from it and make you feel better
-if it was a person, he'd be really mad and probably attempt to beat them up
-you decide if he actually tries to go beat them up or if he's just like "nah"

-lowkey gets really soft and gets sad with you
-she hates seeing the people that she loves sad
-if you were just having a bad day, she'd give you compliments and cuddle you until you're feeling ready to continue with your day
-if someone hurt your feelings, she will find them and punch them in the face Lowkey

-he'd get sad with you :(
-he'd feel so bad that you were upset, even if it wasn't his fault
-If you just had a bad day, he'd take you to get ice cream and try and make it better
-If it was because of someone, he'd just reassure you and compliment you and cuddle you

-literally gets so soft and worried
-he'd be like- bruh???? You good???
-If you had a bad day, he'd cuddle with you and play your favorite music and make you dance with him
-if it was because of someone, he'd go and fight them. He'd be so mad that someone upset you that he wouldn't care who it was
-he'd also probably get hit pretty good so you'd have to fix him up, but if he's mad enough he'd probably win qlenkskqksn

-He gets either upset, mad, or both
-He'd cuddle with you, compliment you, and rant about how amazing you are
-If it's someone you made you upset, he'd go find them and literally just slap them

-Gets so concerned
-If you had a bad day, he'd cuddle with you, play with your hair, give you sweet compliments, make you your favorite snack and put on your favorite music
-If it was someone, either he'd get a few of the other losers to back him up, and go to fight them or just stay with you and do something about it later

-He'd be so worried about your mental health (or just worried about you in general)
-If it was just a bad day, he'd dance with you, sing to you, cook something for you, check on you, etc.
-If it was someone, he'd reassure you and give you a million things about how amazing you are
-he wouldn't fight, because he doesn't really like fighting

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