✨Group Sleepover-Losers

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-It's at Bill's house
-Bill sets out pillows, blankets,  and movies
-Beverly just brings music to listen to
-Ben brings snacks and extra movies and stuff
-Richie just brings himself
-Eddie doesn't bring anything except for his personal stuff
-Stan just brings personal stuff, and extra pairs of binoculars so y'all can look at the stars or something
-Mike brings Board games
- You bring ______

-You guys dance around, watch movies, and eat snacks all night. You also play pranks on each other

-Y'all stay up all night, until at least 2
-Ben falls asleep first, then Eddie, then Mike, then Stan, then Bev and Richie. Bill falls asleep last. [insert yourself to whenever you think you'd fall asleep, after whichever character]
-Richie draws on Eddie's face with a marker
-Richie and Bill get into a deep convo after everyone else falls asleep

-Before everyone fell asleep, and everyone was laying down to try and sleep, Richie disrupted everyone because:
"RICHIE! SHUT UP!" -entirety of the losers club

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