✨What Their Friends Think-Losers

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-Beverly is kinda jealous, but would never admit it. You two are pretty close, and she'd never hurt you or Bill in any way.
-Ben is super supportive, and as long as his friends are happy, he's happy!
-Richie doesn't really care, like he's neutral- he makes a lot of Jokes about y'all, but he's really supportive and nice about it.
-Eddie is basically your best friend, and he's extremely supportive. Bill has always been one of his best friends as well, and he loves that you two are happy.  He'd do anything for you two.
-Stan is happy for you two, but he never really expresses his thoughts about you guys' relationship. He never really talks about it, so y'all just assume he's fine with it lmao.
-Mike is extremely supportive, and so happy that you two are together. He basically set you guys up together/told the both of you that you like each other, so he's kinda a main reason why you're together. :)

-Bill doesn't really mind, but he is a bit confused since he always thought she was into him
-Ben is kinda upset about it, but he'd never admit it. He really really loved her, but he wants her to be happy so he's just kinda chilling about it
-Richie lowkey lives for you guys' relationship. He's like you guys' biggest hype man, and he just supports you guys so much.
-Eddie is kinda confused, and he never really says anything about you two. So nobody really knows what he thinks.
-Stan is kinda jealous of you two, he just wants a s/o too bruh. But he'd never be rude about it or express that he feels that way though
-Mike doesn't mind! He's happy you two are happy, and he just lets you both do your own thing, yaknow?

-Bill thinks you two are super cute together, and he had a big part in getting you two together as well, so he loves that you two love each other lmao
-Beverly doesn't mind, she thinks you two are perfect for each other and she's happy that Ben is so happy.
-Richie is kinda confused how Ben got someone like you, and is the tiniest bit jealous, but he never says anything about it
-Eddie thinks you guys are too much  alike to be together, but he'd never say so. He's really supportive and is never rude about it.
-Stan thinks you guys are so cute, he literally is happy because you guys are happy
-Mike thinks you guys were made for each other!

-Bill thinks it's kinda ironic that you're with Richie because you guys are so alike/so different (pick which one you are lmao)
-Beverly is happy for you two! But she's super protective of him and doesn't want him to get hurt by anyone, so she's kinda like,,,making sure you're good to him
-Ben thinks you guys are cool, he doesn't really have an opinion
-Eddie doesn't really care, he's a little jealous though
-Stan is proud of Richie for getting someone like you, and he's happy that you guys are happy with each other. He's also basically the one who got you together, so he's like >:)
-Mike doesn't really have an opinion, but he thinks you guys are super cute together and he doesn't mind y'all!

-Bill thinks you're perfect for him and always comments on how cute you guys are!
-Beverly is basically the one who got you guys together, so of course she loves you guys' relationship!
-Ben is a little jealous of you guys' relationship, but he'd never say so! He does think you guys deserve to be happy with each other though so yee
-Richie doesn't really like that you guys are together, but he's happy that you're treating him right and that Eddie is so happy
-Stan thinks you guys are literally soulmates, like- he is so happy you guys are together lmao
-Mike doesn't really have an opinion, but once again, he's just happy that you two are happy!

-Bill doesn't really care, he's just glad you guys are happy
-Beverly doesn't think you guys are a good match, but she's really supportive and would never say that to y'all
-Ben is the one who got y'all together, and he thinks it was a really good decision!
-Richie thinks it's funny and likes to make fun of Stan because Stan is w h i p p e d (I'm just kidding, but he's really in love with you dude)
-Eddie thinks you guys are good for each other and will basically ship you until the end of time
-Mike is a little jealous of y'all, but he'd never say so! He tries to stop being jealous about it and instead just supports you and compliments you guys :p

-Bill thinks you guys are cool together
-Beverly thinks you guys are soulmates :)
-Ben doesn't really have an opinion
-Richie is actually the one that got you guys to talk to each other, but he didn't actually get you two together, Mike asked himself
-Eddie thinks it's the cutest thing ever, and he's so happy for y'all
-Stan is neutral! He never really says anything about it but he supports you so

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