✨When You Guys Are At The Quarry-Losers Club

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-Literally tells you how pretty you are in your bathing suit at least 500 times
-Doesn't really mind if the others look/stare at you, he knows you're a cutie  and he also knows you're his. He does get a little jealous, but nobody would be able to tell.
-Makes sure you're comfortable with jumping into the water
-if you are comfortable, then he'll let you jump into the water first and then he'll go
-if you're scared or uncomfortable jumping, he'll hold your hand and jump with youuu

-Gives you one of her shirts to cover up your bathing suit if you want to cover up more (even if you have your own shirt)
-Makes sure you actually want to jump and doesn't force you to
-if you do want to jump, she'll cheer for you and clap while you jump off
-if you don't, she'll let the others jump and sit with you at the top of the cliff and hold your hand and just talk
-She literally could care less if they stare at you, she knows you're all hers and that you're literally stunning. When people stare, it just makes her more proud that you're with her and not them.

-Gets so embarrassed when he sees you in your bathing suit- he thinks you're so cute and literally can't function
-He gets a little jealous when the others stare, but then he remembers that they're his best friends and they just think you look nice so he's like 👍🏻
-If you wanna jump in, he'll hype you up and cheer as you jump off. He'll also quietly admire you and smile because he's so proud and admiring of you
-if you don't want to jump, he understands your fear and will either jump with you or just sit at the top of the cliff and talk with you

-Literally wont shut up about how hot he thinks you look pfft
-Literally also wont stop bragging about you to the other losers
-He hides it by humor and stuff but he literally adores you so much dude, you don't even know
-He gets jealous when the other Losers stare, and when he catches them he'll be like, "If you like what you see so much, take a picture." He says it in a joking way, but it does get them to stop staring lmao
-If you do wanna jump in, he'll cheer and be like "that's my baby!"
-if you don't, and he doesn't mean this in a rude way, he'll probably push you in and then jump in directly after you
-he'd apologize later though

-He's a simple boy. He sees you in your bathing suit, and nearly forgets how to breathe. Which leads to him using his inhaler for like 5 hours
-He gets very jealous when the others stare, especially Richie. Especially when Richie makes comments about you being hot, it makes him LIVID
-If you don't want to jump, he completely understands and gives you his shirt to cover up with
-if you do want to jump, he'll ask you to hold his hand and jump together

-Gets very jealous when they stare. He doesn't care if they glance at you a few times or whatever but if they keep full on staring, like Richie, he'll make you wear his shirt to cover up lmao
-He tells you how much of a cutie pie you are every 5 seconds and kisses your cheek
-If you want to jump, he'll jump in first and then let you jump so he can make sure you make it down safe
-if you don't want to jump, he'll just cuddle with you at the top of the cliff

-You come out in a bathing suit and this boys jaw almost unhinges bro
-He makes sure you're comfortable being in your bathing suit around everyone
-He lets you know how amazing he thinks you look and kisses your forehead
-He holds your hand while watching everyone else jump off
-he lets you decide if you want to go or not, and if you want him to jump first or after you
-if you do wanna jump, he holds your hand and tells you that you've got this and just goes with whatever you want him to do
-if you dont want to go, he'll just talk with you and help you try to be less afraid but won't try and pressure you into jumping off

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