✨You Dress Up Fancy-Losers

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I just mean like...dressing up for a date or just in general! I just didn't know how to make that more obvious in the title lmao

-Isn't really surprised- I mean he is, but he wouldn't be like "what's the occasion?" Or "Why are you so dressed up?" Yaknow? Like he'd normalize it
-He'd compliment whatever outfit you have on and how cute you look
-He'd keep glancing and smile anytime you catch him
- "I really like the outfit you're wearing today, Y/N. It's super cute on you."

-is literally awestruck
-She can't stop staring
-She will endlessly compliment you, and smile at you anytime you look at her
- "Dang, babe! You're an absolute hottie, yaknow that?"

- Can't stop smiling because he thinks you're so adorable
- He will compliment you so many times
- Literally blushes anytime you look at him
- "You're so lovely, Y/N"

-Makes a bunch of jokes and pickup lines (even if you're already together)
- Can't stop staring, but if you ask him about it, he'll refuse that he was
-sprinkles a few genuine compliments between jokes and stuff
- "Y/N, if you were a transformer, you'd be Optimus Fine!" (I'm literally sobbing at this-)

-Gets so embarrassed cause he thinks you're out of his league
-Compliments you a lot, but always blushes and kinda is awkward about it a little bit
- "I love you so much, honestly..."

-Literally can't stop staring
-will show you off to anyone
-tells you how adorable you are
-tells you how cool he thinks your outfit is
- "You are so ethereal, my angel."

-Is so happy that you're his, and will tell you so
-Compliments you, but makes sure that you know that he thinks you're adorable all of the time
-He's so happy that you're happy
-Treats you like royalty (but he does that all the time)
- "Y/N, you are such a cutie!! How can someone be so perfect all of the time?"

✨IT (2017) Preferences: Book 1✨Where stories live. Discover now