✨You Go To Build-A-Bear

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-A little confused as to why you wanted to go, but he was up for it
-You guys got semi-matching bears
-He thought it was a little strange that y'all had to put a little heart in the bear lmao

-Was so up for it
-You guys were really excited
-You guys put funny recordings in the bears

-He was the one who suggested it
-You guys got matching bears, and put each other's voices in each other's bears that says "I love you"
-You guys came up with funny names for them

-He was determined to make the funniest bear
-He put a funny recording in his
-He named his bear Shrek
-You just made yours the way you wanted
-he put a funny recording in yours too but it was his actual voice

-He thought it would be boring but he went anyways
-He made his own and you made your own
-He ended up having a lot of fun
-You got a stuffed frog and he got a bear, so sometimes to tease each other, you call each other "froggie" and "bear"

-He was actually happy to go because he's never been
-He wanted to get a bird plush
-He found a bird plush that he really likes and he was quite happy about that
-You guys put each other's voices in them

-He was excited to go, he thinks it's cute
-You guys got semi-matching stuffed animals
-You both put some cute secret recordings in each other's bears, and only figured out what the recordings said when y'all were apart

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