✨You Ask For Attention-Losers

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Hey guys!! I just wanna apologize real quick for not being super active! I haven't had a lot of motivation to post like really fast but I'm trying!! School starts back this week for me, but I'll try to write more! Also just saying, I have 2 parts so far in my IT oneshots book if you wanna maybe read and give requests😳Anyways, enjoy!

-Kinda confused & thinks you're upset
- He'll give you attention though, unless he's SUPER busy
- Once you finally explain to him that you just want attention, he thinks it's cute
- "Y/N, you're so silly."
-Lowkey just glad he has a reason to cuddle with you

-She's just kidding though, of course she'll give you attention
-You guys hold hands
- "Y/N, I love you,"

-Literally drops anything to give you some
-He's afraid that he might've done something wrong or that you're upset
- [you're at your house] "Y/N, I came as soon as you hung up, are you sure you're okay? I love you. Did I do something wrong? Come cuddle with me."

-makes jokes for like,,,0.2 seconds
- "Aww, Y/N, of course I'll give you attention! I would say that I want some too, but I already have enough from Eddie's mom." ((Eddie could be anywhere in the world and still feel the instinct to say "shut up" when Richie makes mom jokes lmaoo))
-You guys cuddle and have deep conversations
-He actually gets really soft and stops making jokes, he's just really genuine and affectionate (more than usual anyways)

-thinks you're messing with him or something
- "What're you talking about?"
-once he understands that you're not joking and you literally just want attention, he's like "oH OKAY,"
-You guys hold hands and he worries about you lmao
- "Are you sick? Are you sad? Did I do something? Y/N, did someone else do something? Di-"
"Eddie, I'm fine."

-Is literally so happy
-He'll hold your hand, cuddle, whatever you want
-You guys have deep conversations and play games like 20 questions and 'what if...'
- "Y/N, I hope you know that I love you. Now, Wanna come draw with me?"

-literally just melts
- "Y/N, you're so cute"
- Mike is like 🥺
-you guys dance around, listen to music, walk around town, pet the sheep, etc. just fun stuff you can do together
-You guys cuddle for a while, too

✨IT (2017) Preferences: Book 1✨Where stories live. Discover now