✨Your Dumbest Argument

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This was another request from the super sweet Theaternerd_mia !!

-You guys were arguing about you stealing his shirts/hoodies
- "If you don't stop stealing my clothes, Y/N, I'm gonna start wearing yours! Do you think I'd look hot in a dress?"
- "No offense, but you'd look like a garden gnome."
"What? How does that make any sense?"
"It doesn't. But you just remind me of a gnome, in the most polite respects."

-You guys were playfully arguing about you guys' appearances
- "Shut it, ginger!"
"At least I'm not the one with dumbo ears!"
"And I'm not the one with the dumptruck nose!"

-You guys were "arguing" about which characters you would be from a book
- "I mean, Y/N, obviously I'd be a Cedric Diggory!"
"Ben, you're a literal Neville Longbottom, and you can fight me on that."

-You guys were messing with each other about height
- "Sorry, Y/N. I can't hear you up here."
"Whatever. It's not my fault that you're just freakishly tall!"
"Still can't hear ya, babe. Want me to grab the step stool?"
"Shut up, Richard."

-You guys joke around about him knowing a lot about sickness and stuff
- "Oh no, Eddie, call the funeral home! I've got a freckle that seems to be out of place!"
"You're about to need a funeral home if you don't stop teasing me, dork."

-You guys playfully argue about random stuff, and you mostly always use weird names for each other
-"Ugh, get out of my way, Y/N!"
"Actually you're in MY way, pencil toes!"
"Shut it, dork lips!"
((Anyone witnessing those "arguments": 🤯👀))

-You guys playfully argue like an old married couple
- "Mikey, this is so like you! Forgetting everything in your old age!"
"Hey, Y/N, stop nagging me!"
"I'm about to nag you upside the head with this dishrag!"

✨IT (2017) Preferences: Book 1✨Where stories live. Discover now