🖤A Secret Talent They Have- Bowers Gang

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-you're probably thinking, "no way!"
-but alas, it is true
-but Henry doesn't care about school or writing or much of anything else so he's only done it like 2 times

-doing makeup
-You had him do yours once just for fun and it turned out better than when you do it pfft
-I mean I wouldn't trust Patrick near my face with eyeliner (or anything else for that matter)
-but we can all agree that he's pretty good at it
-how? Nobody knows, it will forever be a mystery

-Doing hair
-He does his all the time, and even though that's completely different than doing girls' hair, he's pretty darn good at it
-want him to braid your hair? This boy is all for it
-you can trust him to actually do a good job too

-yep. You two were at his house, dancing around outside the car while the car was playing music
-he started to legit dance and he was so good too
-you cheered him on the whole time, and he had a big ol goofy grin :) what a cutie

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