✨How Affectionate They Are-Losers Club

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-this boy really do b affectionate
-I feel like his favorite is cuddling :0

-pretty affectionate, but not as much as Bill
-she likes being affectionate but not really all the time
-her favorite is holding pinkies (not full hands just pinkie fingers, yaknow)

-extremely affectionate with the people he loves :)
-his favorite form of affection is basically anything, but he likes nose boops (yaknow what I mean???)

-not fully, like Bill, but more than Beverly
-He's always right beside you or touching you in some way, like having his arm slung around your shoulder, holding your hand, laying his head on your shoulder, etc.
-his favorite form of affection is kisses :0 this boy do b living for them though (lmao)

-8/10, not too affectionate but you can tell he loves you
-More affectionate than Bev, but less than the rest of the losers
-instead of physical affection, he likes vocal affection (like compliments, praise, encouragement, reassurance, etc.)
-his favorite form of affection is when you compliment him a lot

-pretty affectionate, this boy lives for hugs
-his favorite form of affection is when you play with his hair, and it makes him sleepy

-literally lives and breathes specifically for your affections
-hugs, kisses, compliments, cuddles, gift giving, dancing: he loves and will do all
-he's so loving, bruh😭 get you a dude like Mike
-his favorite form of affection is hugs and slow dancing close together (almost like a super long hug, but with music LMAO)

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