🖤They Fight Bowers- Bowers Gang

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•why: does he not fight with himself all the time
(I'm just joking, I really don't think Henry's gonna beat himself up so I'm skipping this, if you want me to finish it I will though LMAOO-)

Why: Henry said something bad about you, and like Stan (I got distracted and almost wrote Shrek instead of Stan I'm-), Vic isn't having that
who won: well, Henry didn't really hurt Vic, it was more of a push and shove fight, but Henry won because Victor always listens to Henry and just stopped trying to fight him lmao
After: You were standing there, trying your hardest not to breakdown and start laughing as Henry and Vic pushed and slapped at each other. It was quite funny, almost as if they were 5 year old kids again. Vic finally stepped back, crossing his arms. "I'm done with this, but don't call my baby [insert insult] ever again!" Henry rolled his eyes and stomped off towards Belch, who was standing a little ways off with his arms crossed, looking like that of a scolding mother. Vic came up to you, slinging an arm over your shoulder. "He won't mess with you again, I can promise that." He said, a smirk making its way on his face. "Yeah, because you definitely showed him how tough you are!" You laughed, and he rolled his eyes. "Don't make fun of me, dork. I'm the one who's protecting you." He teased back, pushing you a little sideways.

why: He caught Henry staring at you and he didn't ✨appreciate✨ that (lmao)
who won: Patrick did, 100%. Henry's face almost became a campfire😳
After: You were wearing something a bit showy today, nothing to awful but it was noticeable. You were sitting next to Patrick and Henry in Belch's car, while Victor actually sat up front for once. A few of your favorite songs came on, and you sang along while sometimes dancing (as much as you could in a car, anyways.) A few times, you went to look around at the forests and trees as you guys sped by, and accidentally locked eyes with Henry way too many times. Patrick had his hand on your thigh, looking around outside of his window. You figured that he didn't notice that Henry was staring, but boy were you wrong. After you guys got out to stretch at a park, Patrick told you he would be right back. Henry was across the parking lot of the park, smoking. You were standing with Belch and Victor, just talking. "What do you guys think he's gonna do?" You asked, worry slipping through your voice. "Well, judging by the way he's walking, and the can of hairspray and a lighter he's holding, I can only assume we're gonna need to get a fire extinguisher ready soon." Vic said, a pitiful look on his face. "I told them that if they're gonna ride in my car, they have to stop fighting. I guess we're gonna have to experiment how far they can walk home." Belch said, his mouth forming a disappointed scowl. You three watched as Patrick pushed Henry from behind, Henry turning around quickly and putting out his cigarette on Patrick's arm. Patrick smiled, a big sick smile, and nearly set Henry's hair on fire. Henry backed up, scowling, "What's your problem, man?" Patrick laughed a very sly laugh, "This is for staring at what's mine all day, tough guy!" He emphasized the last two words, waving his lighter around in front of Henry's face. "All right, all right, I'm sorry, god! Just get the lighter outta my face!" Henry stalked back to the car and jumped in, this time taking the passenger seat. Belch and Vic started walking back too, with a bored look on one's face and a irritated look on the other. You jumped in the back, now sitting next to Victor and Patrick. "Can't have anything around here," Vic said, referring to him not being in the passenger seat. "I'm sorry," you said, eyeing Patrick. He wouldn't look at you, and you knew it was on purpose. You scooted closer to him. "You didn't have to do that, You know." You whispered to him. "Of course I didn't. But you're mine, and that's how it's gonna stay." He said, intertwining you two's hands together. ((This was so long, I'm sorry-)

why: Henry dropped a milkshake in his car
who won: they just argued, and mother belch won of course
after: You walked up to Belch's house, seeing that the others were already there. Victor was wiping a towel around on the floorboard of the back seat, and Belch was yelling at Henry, using his hands as he got his points across. Henry kept rolling his eyes and mumbling "okay" and "fine" and "I'm sorry". Finally, Belch stopped and stomped away, going to look at his precious floorboards. "All gone, it's fine now." Victor said, throwing the towel down on the ground. Belch sighed and then turned, seeing you. "Are you okay?" You asked, giving him a hug. He hugged back. "I'm fine, yeah. Sorry you had to see that. He spilled his stupid milkshake in the floor."

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