✨A Secret Talent They Have-Losers Club

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-This boy can COOK
-like golly, Mr. Ramsey WHOMST
-in all seriousness though, he's great at it and you guys cook together 💗

-She can make basically anything Bruh-
-you want a plushie? She'll make it.
-you want some cool earrings with something random on them? Yep, she'll make it
-you guys make each other bracelets the most 👉🏻👈🏻

-Solving puzzles
-Got a 10000 piece or something puzzle? No worries, he'll have it done by like 2-3 hours (which I think is rlly fast for a puzzle with that many pieces but idk)

-bro you're probably like "really? Him, singing?"
-Heck yes dude and you better BET it's ANGELIC

-Can literally make himself cry on the spot
-You, just being silly, made him act out your favorite emotional scene from your favorite movie
-boy were you astounded😳 he almost made you cry-

-He likes painting trees and birds and just nature in general
-he only paints occasionally though

-I bet this surprises you, but I really feel like my boy Mike would be awesome at sewing-
-Your favorite shirt has a hole in it? Not anymore :D mike is on the case broski

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