🖤You Wear Something Revealing-Bowers Gang

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I'm literally about to go cry- I just forgot how to spell wear>:,) LMAO-

-is literally amazed
-also gets super jealous though
-he doesn't want anyone staring at you, even the rest of the Bowers gang
-He tells you how cute you look
-He gives you his jacket to cover up just a bit with

-is so smiley cause he thinks you look amazing!
-Thinks you look super cool!
-Is your biggest hype man honestly
-Gives you compliments every 5 seconds no joke
-Doesn't mind people staring, he knows you're his and he loves showing you off
-He'll give you his green jacket if you wanna cover up though

-Is so cocky about it and will not stop showing you off for 5 seconds
-compliments you
-he thinks it's really cool how you do whatever you want
-hates when people stare though, he threatens to punch them
-he won't make you cover up unless he gets too jealous of other people looking
-if you do wanna cover up, he'll give you his Tom & Jerry shirt

-He thinks you look super cute!
-He compliments you a lot, and you catch him glancing
-He doesn't stare though, cause he doesn't wanna seem rude
-He gets a little annoyed when people stare, especially if it's Patrick, but he'll never say anything unless he's extremely irritated 
-If you wanna cover up, he'll give you a shirt of his

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