✨Their Fave Color On You- Losers

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-sky blue
-He loves the sky, and drawing it. So whenever you wear light blue, it reminds him of the sky and he thinks both you and the sky are super beautiful

-She thinks it looks beautiful on you, and she thinks it compliments  your skin tone perfectly, and makes you look super tough and cute

-Olive Green
-He loves nature and more earthy colors, he thinks nature is beautiful and amazing. Whenever you wear  green, it reminds him of your natural beauty, much like the earth.

-He thinks it's super bright and pretty, just like you! It reminds him a bit of the sun, and he thinks of you as the light in his life, so :)

-He thinks pink looks adorable on you, and makes you look like a princess/prince/royal :)

-He thinks it's super beautiful and bright and sweet, like how he thinks of you! It's also the color of a bird/birds he's particularly fond of, goldfinches

-Light purple
-He thinks it looks super adorable, and just really likes the way light purple stuff looks on you! It also reminds him of some pretty wildflowers that grow on his farm :)

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