✨When They Want Attention-Losers Club

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-Gets really whiny and clingy
- "Y/NNNNN!" "What is it, Bill?" "....Come cuddle with me."

-Just gets more grabby (not in a weird way)
-Like, she'll wanna hold hands more, lay her head on your shoulder, hug you more often, etc.
- "Y/N, come hereee!" "Bev, I love you, but nO- this is the 10th time you've hugged me today!" "....So?"

-Stares at you more
-He's too shy to ask, plus he feels bad for asking, so he'll just kinda glance at you and hope you notice and know what he wants
-Which, thankfully, you do
- "Ben?" "Hmm?" "Are you okay? This is the 7th time I've caught your eye, love." "Uhh...yeah! I'm fine!" "Aw, I know what's up. Get over here and cuddle with me!"

-Gets more hyper and loud
-You have to tell him to hush and to stop running around the house- because he's literally screaming and knocking stuff over
-"Y/N!!" "What is it, Rich?" "HAVE YOU TRIED THESE CHIPS? THESE ARE THE BEST THINGS I HAVE EVER CONSUMED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!" "Richie, love, you're too loud bro. Calm down." "NOPE! NOT TILL YOU COME CUDDLE AND WATCH THIS MOVIE WITH ME!" "Okay, you big dummy :)"

-Gets quieter than usual (the absolute opposite of Richie LMAO) and answers simply
- "Hey, Eddie! Whaddaya think about watching a movie on Friday?" "Sure." "Really? I heard that it's really good, a bunch of people around town loved it!" "Great." "Oh, get over here. Come cuddle with me, you grumpy pants." "Now that, I can do!"

-Gets more annoying
-whatever you have in your hands (unless it's something either super important or super fragile), he will snatch it and run around with it so you'll have to chase him to get it back
- "Y/N?" "Hold on a sec, Stan." "Y/N..." "Hold on, babe. This is a really good part in the book..." "Y/N, I'm sorry." "Huh?" *he snatches book and runs off*
- "Come get your book back, Angel!"

-Tries to make you laugh
-tickles you, boops your nose, makes faces right in front of yours, or makes weird screeching sounds
-"No, Mike, please let me focus, I'm writing down songs that I can listen to on repeat later." "Y/N?" "Huh?" "What's that?" "What's WHAT, Mike?" *he tickles you*
-and THAT, ladies, gentleman and other lovelies, is how you start a tickle fight

✨IT (2017) Preferences: Book 1✨Where stories live. Discover now